
  • Now available | Rocket Process Insights, Modern Experience and Process Automation (IBM i) 10.1.3

    The Rocket Software team is pleased to announce new versions of Rocket Process Insights, Modern Experience and Process Automation (IBM i) are now available to customers on the Rocket Community Portal!

    The Rocket Software team is pleased to announce new versions of Rocket Process Insights, Rocket Modern Experience and Rocket Process Automation (IBM i edition) are now available.


    Rocket Process Insights is a workflow/process discovery tool that helps prioritize modernization efforts.


    Once you have end-to-end visibility of your workflows with Rocket Process Insights, leverage Rocket Modern Experience and Rocket Process Automation to build modern, intuitive user interfaces and workflows with customers host applications that improve productivity and enhance the experience of employees, customers, and partners.


    Rocket Process Insights v10.1.3, Rocket Modern Experience v10.1.3 and Rocket Process Automation (IBM i Edition) v10.1.3 expand on these capabilities by bolstering data security in Process Insights, by enhancing the MX Desktop project to MX Web project conversion process and by providing new API security options.


    Highlights include:




    • OpenSSL has been upgraded to version 3.0.1, providing FIPS support and enhanced security.


    Rocket Process Insights

    In this release we have added strong cybersecurity capabilities, such as encryption as well as masking with which you can exclude any personal data as defined under applicable data protection laws before Process Insights’ collection of traffic data.  Additionally, one can now apply whiteout and redaction to prevent any personal data from slipping through. Lastly, to automatically delete the recorded data, a retention period can now be configured in Process Insights.



    • Log4j2 have been upgraded to version 2.17.1, providing enhanced security.



    • To make sure users understand how Rocket Process Insights handles data and the available options to exclude personal data, a compliance statement was added to the setup.


    Insights database

    • Starting from this release, encrypting the PostgreSQL database is required when used as the Insights database.
    • Data retention and cleanup functionality for the Insights database have been implemented in this release. It is now possible to remove host related data from tracks in the Insights database once the retention period has lapsed. Recorded data from tracks are removed during cleanup but analysis information will still be available. However, any actions related to views, reanalyzing the track, or appending a recording to this track is no longer possible.


    Data masking

    • In this release, when you start recording, additional information has been added to the Start

    Recording dialog that recorded and stored network traffic could include sensitive data.

    • To prevent the recording of sensitive data, you can now apply data masking to a recording before the data is stored in the insights database.


    Data redaction

    • As of this release, data on screens can be redacted on the Heatmap view. Any exported processes that are downloaded into a PDF will only show masked and redacted data.



    Rocket Modern Experience (Web Edition)


    Multi-factor authentication support


    Host Picture Builder

    • To further optimize the development process, it is now possible to leverage Rocket Process Insights to only collect the libraries or pictures that were accessed by the users of the application.
    • Improvements have been made to the collection process in Host picture projects for windows with a title within its borders, improving the window detection in automatic identification.
    • It is now possible to automate the customization of pictures in the collection process by adding custom actions.



    Rocket Process Automation


    • For this release, Rocket Process Automation (IBM i edition) have upgraded from Jetty 9.4.38 to 9.4.44, providing enhanced security.  Jetty functionality is used in the MX and Automation workbench, Automation Engine, and Automation Gateway



    • To simplify the lookup of a stored procedure in a Database API project, it is now possible to filter by typing the first few characters of the stored procedure name in the Procedures field.
    • The Process Automation live test for API Screen projects has been optimized, delivering a faster launch experience.


    Host Picture Builder

    • To further optimize the development process, it is now possible to leverage Rocket Process Insights to only collect the libraries or pictures that were accessed by the users of the application.
    • Improvements have been made to the collection process in Host picture projects for windows with a title within its borders, improving the window detection in automatic identification.
    • It is now possible to automate the customization of pictures in the collection process by adding custom actions.



    Automation Gateway

    • Log4j2 have been upgraded to version 2.17.1, providing enhanced security.


    New OAuth2 policy

    • In this release it is now possible to configure the Automation gateway as an OAuth2 resource server providing additional options to authorize API access to the Automation engine. OAuth2 policies can be configured using the Rocket MX & Automation Hub.



    Rocket Modern Experience (Desktop Edition)


    Host Picture Builder

    • Improvements have been made to the collection process in Host picture projects for windows with a title within its borders improving the window detection in automatic identification.
    • It is now possible to automate the customization of pictures in the collection process by adding custom actions.


    MX Desktop (GUI) to MX Web project conversion

    • The default 'preconfigured' option in the MX Desktop project to MX Web project conversion wizard has been optimized to provide a seamless conversion experience.
    • To shorten the time between conversion iterations, it is now possible to add custom actions to the conversion process itself.


    Thank you for trusting your business to Rocket Software. Together, we power legendary outcomes for your company and your customers.


    Detailed release notes can be found here: Rocket Process Insights,  Rocket Process Automation (IBM i Edition), Rocket Modern Experience (Desktop Edition) and Rocket Modern Experience (Web Edition).