
  • New Release 9.2.1 of Rocket iCluster

     The Rocket Software team is proud to announce that the new version 9.2.1 of Rocket® iCluster is now available. 

    This release of Rocket® iCluster puts its focus on Docker compatibility and Security Enhancements. 

    Docker Compatibility   

    With this version the installation of Rocket® iCluster Web supports the Docker container deployment including the download from Rocket Registry. 

    Docker Containers provide several advantages for customers and prospects that want to deploy for testing or production purposes compared to standard installation procedures like: 

    • Consistency - Docker provides a standardized environment for deploying applications. Containers package all the code and dependencies needed for an application, ensuring that it works consistently across different servers and operating systems. Say goodbye to the “Will this work on my machine?” dilemma. 

    • Stability - Docker containers are based on Linux, with the Linux kernel included in every container. This stability extends to any system or device, even when running containers on Mac or Windows. No more unexpected compatibility issues or rollbacks due to updates. 

    • Space Efficiency - Unlike traditional Virtual Machines (VMs), which consume significant server space and memory, Docker containers are lightweight. They only include the app code and dependencies, making them much smaller. Running entirely on the cloud, they eliminate the need for large physical servers. 

    • Isolation - Containers work independently of each other, allowing various tasks to occur in isolation. This isolation enhances security and resource utilization. 

    Rocket® iCluster Web Container support any Docker environment including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Linux. 

    Any customer with access to our Rocket Community Portal and a valid subscription can download the containers from Rocket Registry by using his Rocket Community Portal credentials. 


    Additionally in this release we focused on Security Enhancements in Rocket® iCluster Web: 

    • The Rocket® iCluster Web user interface now supports HTTPS. 

    • Passwords are no longer shown in the status of Web Agent changes ( 

    • The required security privileges in the iCluster Agent account have been reduced. 

    Rocket® iCluster is available at the IBM Cloud Catalog for easy installation into a IBM Power Virtual Server: Catalog - IBM Cloud. 

    Detailed release notes can be found here Rocket® iCluster release notes ( The complete documentation is available in the Library (