
  • Rocket® MultiValue Integration Server 2.1 is GA

    Rocket MultiValue Integration Server (MVIS) 2.1.0, available today, is a major release with significant new features and enhancements.

    To learn more about MVIS 2.1, please plan to join us on September 4th, for a product launch webinar.

    MVIS 2.1 Features and Highlights

    Power Modernization via the OpenAPI Standard

    • OpenAPI 3.0 Support. OpenAPI 3.0 is the first major release since 2015, when Swagger was adopted as an open standard and transitioned to the OpenAPI Initiative. The 3.0 spec includes numerous changes including a simplified structure for increased reusability. You can find additional details in this blog post
    • Enhanced Integration with OpenAPI. In MVIS 1.3, we introduced the notion of Vanity URLs that provide limited support for top-down scenarios. Support for top-down APIs assumes an API developer uses the OpenAPI standard to define an API with full control of the API endpoints as well as a rich typing system based on JSON Schema. In MVIS 2.1, we're replacing the proprietary Vanity URL specification format with an OpenAPI integration that relies on the built-in extensibility of the standard to support vendor specific extension tags. In v2.1, developers can link (bind) MV resources (files, subroutines and programs) to API endpoints using MVIS specific extensions to OpenAPI. The integration also opens the door to leverage third-party tools such as API gateways, API hubs, API testing tools, source control systems and more.
    • Modularity and self-containment. A common modernization requirement we've heard from customers is support for more modular development in the MV platform as well as the ability to integrate with third party software. Today MV systems need to use APIs to integrate and work with offerings such as Salesforce, Workday, ServiceNow and other API first business applications. MVIS 2.1 allows API developers to modularize and modernize MV code by promoting the concept of an API as an MV microservice. An API microservice relies on three basic concepts:
      1. An API definition expressed as an OpenAPI document along with MVIS extensions.
      2. An MV schema or dictionary that defines the MV data exposed by the API.
      3. The MV business logic that provides the implementation to access the MV data.

    Observability (Monitoring & Tracing)

    • OpenTelemetry Integration. OpenTelemetry (also known as OTel) is a vendor neutral open-source observability framework for instrumenting, collecting, and exporting telemetry data such as traces, metrics and logs. You can read more about OTel at MVIS 2.1 provides out-of-the-box integration with OTel that produces traces and metrics that can be consumed by any observability tool compatible with OTel.
    • Third party support. OTel is supported by more than 40 observability vendors including Datadog, Dynatrace, Grafana Labs, Red Hat, Fluentd and many more.
    • Cloud and Distributed Telemetry Support. Cloud systems, typically distributed and networked, demand observability solutions that aggregate telemetry data across a network of components. With the support for OTel, MVIS can now be monitored as part of a larger ecosystem that includes other application components.

    Integration of MVConnect (for Rocket® UniVerse and Rocket® UniData)

    • Top-down Support. With the integration of MVConnect in MVIS, developers can now expose BASIC programs that support RESTful endpoints as part of an OpenAPI definition.
    • OAuth Support. With MVIS, MVConnect developers can benefit from the built-in support for OAuth to integrate with identity providers to secure access to API endpoints.
    • OTel Support. Another benefit of the integration is the support of observability requirements through OTel.
    • Future releases of MVIS will expand the integration to include Rocket® D3 and Rocket® jBASE and make MVConnect a built-in component of MVIS.

    Additional Details

    MVIS 2.1.0 Product Lifecycle Dates

    • 2 Jul 2024 GA
    • 2 Jul 2027 EOM
    • 2 Jul 2028 EOS
    • 2 Jul 2029 EOLS