

    We're excited to announce that Rocket LegaSuite 8.5.6 and Rocket API 8.5.6 is now available to customers on the Rocket Community Portal!

    Highlights include:

    Rocket LegaSuite Web


    Web application design experience:

    • In previous versions, any manual modifications to widgets in a page are lost when Smart Build is re-run. To optimize the development process, it is now possible to retain the modifications to Smart Build results on pages. For example, changing the list header definitions, excluding (parts of) fields or changing the web control type.

    Dynamic UI updates:

    • To provide better support for regular expressions in Dynamic UI rules, the PCRE2 regular expression library is introduced to replace the in-house regular expression library.


    Web Desktop Client

    • The Web Desktop Client has been upgraded to the latest version of Chromium, providing enhanced security.
    • It is now possible to save and load profile information for easier troubleshooting.


    Engines and Servlet

    Security enhancements:

    • New configurable rate limits have been implemented to manage the number of connections and requests made within a time period to prevent Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
    • To prevent unrestricted communication to the servlet, CORS (Cross-origin Resource Sharing) rules can be defined in the servlet configuration.


    Rocket API


    Multi-user support for deployment projects:

    • The project create wizard for API Deployment projects has a new option to configure the API Deployment project for multi-user development.
    • Support for managing microflows using Source Control Management software has been improved.


    Access & Connectivity Hub

    • It is now possible to configure automatic cleanup for the hub's database. To exclude packages from the database cleanup, lock specific versions of packages by toggling the Locked switch on a version.
    • A new Start menu option was added to update the configuration of the Tomcat container where the hub is running on Windows. For example, adding extra system properties or changing the Java memory allocation.



    Rocket LegaSuite GUI


    • To improve the developer experience, it is now possible to also recreate the screen when the user is prompted to recreate the page during Smart Build.


    Detailed release notes can be found here: Rocket API 8.5.6, Rocket LegaSuite GUI 8.5.6 and Rocket LegaSuite Web 8.5.6.