Be careful, we tested our application on Azure (Virtual machine with uniface app - similar as you mentioned client server accessible via citrix) and we identified the delay on Managed instance. It looks like our application is using cursor server and we see the delay of 2ms between each cursor fetch between application and managed instance.
Original Message:
Sent: 11-10-2023 08:54
From: Daniel Cabero
Subject: Azure SQL managed instance
Thanks for your answer Sjaak !
Best regards
Daniel Cabero
Lead of IT R&D Lidea
LIDEA France
Original Message:
Sent: 11-10-2023 08:47
From: Sjaak Van Schie
Subject: Azure SQL managed instance
Hello Daniel,
Both uniface & SQL managed server work in Azure.
It all depends on the setup and the nr of transactions. Best to have uniface & DBMS close to each other.
Support might have an answer on whether other customers us something similar. Still every situation will be different.
Kind regards, Sjaak
Sjaak van Schie
Principal Software Engineer
Rocket Software - Uniface
Amsterdam - Netherlands
Original Message:
Sent: 11-10-2023 08:23
From: Daniel Cabero
Subject: Azure SQL managed instance
Hello Sjaak
We are currently using Uniface for a big application on Citrix Windows server (Internal servers) on Oracle Database.
Our application works in Client / Server mode (not in Web mode).
I would like to know if it would be possible to migrate our environment to the Azure Cloud. With Azure Citix servers hosting Uniface and our Uniface applications which would be in C/S with Azure SQL servers.
How do I know if this would be feasible, with the same level of comfort for our end users who are spread across Europe?
Do you know any customers who use this configuration?
Thank you for your help!
Daniel Cabero
Lead of IT R&D Lidea
LIDEA France
Original Message:
Sent: 11-09-2023 16:09
From: Sjaak Van Schie
Subject: Azure SQL managed instance
Hi Daniel,
In the Uniface Lab, we are using/testing uniface against the Azure SQL managed instance every build.
What exactly are you looking for?
Kind regards,
Sjaak Van Schie
Rocket Internal - All Brands
Waltham MA US
Original Message:
Sent: 11-06-2023 10:17
From: Daniel Cabero
Subject: Azure SQL managed instance
Hello Uniface Community
Is anyone have a feedback of Uniface with a Database on Azure SQL managed instance ?
Thanks for you help
Daniel Cabero
Lead of IT R&D Lidea
LIDEA France