D3 and mvBase

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  • 1.  Connectivity issues with D3 v9.0...

    Posted 09-30-2024 12:33

    My org uses a "zero trust" connectivity product called "Zscaler".  It's effectively a replacement for the VPN we used to use for remote users.

    Ever since Zscaler was implemented, there's been periodic connectivity issues with our D3 systems - they're disconnecting a client connection within milliseconds of accepting it.  Recently, this problem has become dramatically worse - to the point where it's affecting business operations.  People in billing aren't able to connect for hours at a time.

    It occurred to me today that it might be a licensing problem on the D3 side.  All the problematic connections are being made via MVSP on port 9000.

    Because of how Zscaler works, all the connections that travel over the Zscaler network are going to hit our servers from the same IP address.  I'm wondering if D3 isn't seeing that and will start denying connections from the same IP address after the connections reach a certain threshold.  Is this possible?

    Right now the problem has descended to finger-pointing.  We're blaming Zscaler and Zscaler is blaming us, and the problem isn't getting solved.

    Any suggestions on what solutions I can look at to solve this, or does it just boil down to too many inbound connections from the same IP address?

    I should note that while this is happening, we're no where near out of available seats according to MAXUSERS.



    Gene Buckle
    Sr. Programmer/Analyst
    Ply Gem Pacific Windows

  • 2.  RE: Connectivity issues with D3 v9.0...

    Posted 09-30-2024 14:01

    Hi Gene,

    D3 will only deny connections if there isn't a user license available for the next incoming connection.  However, in Linux (I'm making the assumption that you're referring to a D3/Linux installation) the xinetd configuration can impact the number of incoming connections from a specific IP address.  Check out the /etc/xinetd.conf file and look for the 'per_source' entry.  I believe the default may be 10, not sure.  You can try bumping that up to a higher number or just setting it to UNLIMITED.  Another parameter to check is 'instances' which limits the number of instances of an xinetd-controlled service that can be running at any given time.

    Best regards.

    Chris Macadam
    Technical Support Engineer
    Rocket Software

  • 3.  RE: Connectivity issues with D3 v9.0...

    Posted 09-30-2024 15:18

    Chris, thanks for the suggestion!  the xinetd entry for MVSP already had instances at UNLIMITED, however there was no per_source entry.

    xinetd.conf did in fact have per_source set to 10.  I changed that to UNLIMITED and forced a reload.  I let my people know about the update and to give it a shot to see if it works.

    Fingers crossed!  (I'm so very glad that I'm spinning up v10.3.4 systems right now and xinetd isn't involved!)


    Gene Buckle
    Sr. Programmer/Analyst
    Ply Gem Pacific Windows

  • 4.  RE: Connectivity issues with D3 v9.0...

    Posted 10-01-2024 18:57

    Hi Gene,

    what Chris has said makes sense.

    At a test installation of the software I used to program in, we kept running into an issue at login.

    The software was trying to open over 100 files, but the OS was limiting to something like 40 or 50 open files.

    Once that open file limit was raised, our software ran.



    Warwick Dreher
    Warwick Dreher
    Croydon AU