Hi Stuart,
Thanks for the list. I'll add them to the roadmap and keep you posted on when the items are available. Also, see Mike Wright's comments about item 1 and 4.
[Mary] [Schulz]
Sr. Product Manager, MultiValue
Rocket Software
Original Message:
Sent: 08-28-2024 00:33
From: Stuart Boydell
Subject: Enhancement wish list
Some things I'd like to see.
- Ability to manage (view/edit/git) MV source that exists in hashed files - VOC, Dicts, etc. (maybe like the SQLTools extension).
- Code folding support.
- Option to format document so auto code block folding works. eg PROGRAM/SUBROUTINE, labels and RETURNs are hard left, comments and everything else indented to a minimum of the default margin, etc.
- Fix use of code folding markers [this can be manually set but something is interfering]. Set default markers - eg !!#region...!!#endregion
- Addon for xterm.js (vscode shell and ssh emulator) to support [some] SB+ character mode customisations (term type 2).
- Open the extension repo to GitHub.
Stuart Boydell
Technical Specialist
Meier Business Systems PTY LTD
Carnegie Vic AU