There is a lot off information in the Uniface library available online
or offline in the Uniface installation in
{Uniface install folder}\uniface\doc\ulibrary.chm
Online Uniface 10.4 documentation:
From this documentation:
Rocket Uniface Library 10.4 :
Developing Web Applications ->
Web Application Errors ->
Uniface WRD Configuration Errors ->
Browser Displays a Red Error Page
Error: 300 URD_MW_ERROR Middleware: UV8 Error#: -25
1) Check the UST entry for UServer in the [SERVERS] section of urouter.asn
For example:myust = d:/u8/bin/userver.exe /asn = userver.asn /dir = d:/u8/Project/web
2) Also check whether the specified UST assignment file exists in the /adm directory, or in the directory specified in the /dir switch.
3) Stop URouter via Services.
4) Start URouter via Services.
Rocket Uniface Library 10.4 :
Uniface Reference ->
Messages Reference ->
Uniface Messages ->
Uniface Messages 9000-9999
Error 9024:
Application stopped due to logon error.
The message indicates that the application was not able to connect to the database.
Either the password was incorrect or the DBMS is not running, and therefore cannot accept a password.
Check that your password is correct, or that the DBMS is installed or both.
Check that the database server is running.
If a database server is running, check that it is the correct database.
Rocket Uniface also has elearning
Hope this helps.
Peter Beugel
Rocket Internal - All Brands
Amsterdam NL
Original Message:
Sent: 05-31-2024 01:47
From: Mohamed Ahmd
Subject: in Dynamic Server Page Component
When i Compile and test it gave me this error
Middleware : UV8
Error# : -25
Error Text : see UNIFACE message guide
then i saw this message in logfile Fatal error: 9024 - Application stopped due to logon error.
Mohamed Ahmd
Rocket Forum Shared Account