Hi Gene,
Have a look at the COMPILE.FLASH.ALL command from DM TCL.
This util will search through the object code and ONLY re-compile the programs which are currently utilising FlashBASIC, (it will not convert or change any routines currently using Standard Object code).
You can run this against a nominated account or ALL accounts on the system. However, the only trap with running this utility from the DM account is if your programs use any INCLUDE statements, the compiles may fail if the includes do not use full pathing (eg. INCLUDE ACCOUNT,FILE, ProgID). It is possible to COPY DM,MD, Compile.Flash.All to the MD of your software accounts as needed.
Hope that helps.
Mike Raffaele
MultiValue Support/Technical Consultant
Meier Business Systems PTY LTD
Carnegie VIC AU
Original Message:
Sent: 09-12-2024 14:09
From: Gene Buckle
Subject: Is FlashBASIC compiled?
Awesome, thank you!
Gene Buckle
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
Ply Gem Pacific Windows
Original Message:
Sent: 09-12-2024 14:07
From: Alberto Leal
Subject: Is FlashBASIC compiled?
its 10 that says with Flash or Not
o ( letter O not number 0) ==> Flash
w ==> without source
c ==> compress
d ==> prevents debuger
Alberto Leal
System Analyst
Millano Distribuidora de Auto Pecas Ltda
Varzea Grande MT BR
Original Message:
Sent: 09-12-2024 13:56
From: Gene Buckle
Subject: Is FlashBASIC compiled?
I have some very vague memory that there's an attribute in a compiled item that indicates whether or not it's been FlashBASIC compiled or not. Unfortunately, I don't remember what it was, and it's not obvious. :)
Here's an example that I know for sure does not use FlashBASIC:

Here's an example of a program that's compile with FlashBASIC:

Is attribute 12 being > 0 indicate a FlashBASIC compiled program?
The reason I'm chasing this down is that I'm migrating from D3 v9.0.0 to v10.3.4 and I've got a lot of stuff that has to be recompiled due to the FlashBASIC changes, but I've got even more that can't be FlashBASIC compiled. (does it need to be "normal" compiled due to the version change?)
Thanks all!
Gene Buckle
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
Ply Gem Pacific Windows