CORBA Product support for Oracle JDK11
Oracle Java 11 support
Changes in Oracle Java
Oracle Java 11
Premier CORBA Products
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Question/Problem Description
Do Micro Focus' CORBA products support Oracle's Java 11?
Clarifying Information
In JDK 11, the Java EE and CORBA modules were removed. These modules were deprecated for removal in JDK 9.
The removed modules are:
- Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS), Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform, and SOAP with Attachments for Java (SAAJ)
- java.xml.bind: Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)
- The subset of the JSR-250 Common Annotations defined by Java SE to support web services
- java.corba: CORBA
- java.transaction: The subset of the Java Transaction API defined by Java SE to support CORBA Object Transaction Services
- java.activation: JavaBeans Activation Framework
- Aggregator module for the six modules above
- Tools for JAX-WS
- jdk.xml.bind: Tools for JAXB
Micro Focus in the latest release of our Premier CORBA products will be shipping the required files in order to allow your applications to continue working as they have in the past. The files required will ship with VisiBroker 8.5.6, Orbix 6.3.11 and Orbix 3.3.15. This Service Pack release will deal with this issue as well as providing full compatibility for Oracle JDK 11.