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SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

  • 1.  SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 11-01-2018 09:27


    a while ago we found out, that IBM Ported Tools, we’re talking of perl and php mainly, went out of service last month. So we decided to migrate to the versions offered here. The only disadvantage using these tools is, that they are not SMP/E installed, as the IBM versions are.

    So we decided to create a set of procedures to make these tools SMP/E installable, and finally we succeed.

    At this time we’re able to install the following Tools via SMP/E, some more will follow:

    mc (Midnight Commander)

    I write this in order to ask, if there is any interest to know more about the used method, how to make such products SMP/E installable. In this case I would like to share this informations.


  • 2.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 11-07-2018 09:54

    Hi Juergen

    We would certainly like to know how you made these products SMP/E installable.

    Please share your information with this forum … Thanks

    Steve Bagshaw

  • 3.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 01-30-2019 16:08

    Hello Steve,
    meanwhile I put a documentation about the SMP/E process in the forum. I would appreciate any feedback to this infos.

    Kind regards

  • 4.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 11-07-2018 10:50

    Hello Juergen

    that would be a very interesting post. I would appreciate

    Regards Roger

  • 5.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 01-30-2019 16:09

    Hello Roger,
    meanwhile I put a documentation about the SMP/E process in the forum. I would appreciate any feedback to this infos.

    Kind regards

  • 6.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 11-07-2018 13:27

    making ported tools SMP/E-installable is exactly what I wanted Rocket to do. It would definitely speed up adoption across the z/OS community.

  • 7.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 11-07-2018 14:06

    It is extremely unlikely that Rocket will ever make the open source tools available as SMP-installable packages.

    We are, however, considering making them available as conda-installable packages.

  • 8.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 01-30-2019 16:09

    Hello snosew,
    meanwhile I put a documentation about the SMP/E process in the forum. I would appreciate any feedback to this infos.

    Kind regards

  • 9.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 11-12-2018 18:12

    I’m now ready to upload a first description how I create an SMP/E install package for Rocket Open Source z/OS Software. In this description I used cURL as an example. If anyone tries to create similar packages, here are three additional hints:

    1. You should start with gzip first, because you’ll need gzip to unzip most of the other products.The unzip is done outside the SMP/E process in my sample, but with some changes in the Installation shellscript it should be fairly easy to do the unzip also in SMP/E. The same is the case for any additional customizing after doing the tar.
    2. Of course you can use other FMIDs for the products.
    3. At some points I used some REXX and JCL procedures. I will upload these procedures in near future.

    Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions about this method. Any further ideas are welcome.

    JuergenSMP.pdf (183.9 KB)

  • 10.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 11-12-2018 23:05


    here is the second edition of the description from my last post. It also contains all used REXX and JCL procedures.

    JuergenSMP.pdf (233.1 KB)

  • 11.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 01-17-2019 08:35

    is there anybody out there, who tried to use the described method to install any product with SMP/E? It would be very useful for me, to get any Information about some experiences.

    Thanks in advance.

  • 12.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 09-26-2024 18:10

    Hi, I know this is an old post but we're just looking into SMP/E now. Does anyone have the PDF referred to here. The link is broken.

    Ken Deering
    Self Registered
    Toronto ON CA

  • 13.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 09-27-2024 04:39

    Hi Ken,

    Here is a link to documentation:
    You can also click on the PDF icon in the upper right corner on the page and choose 'Save entire publication' to generate a PDF file.


    Sergey Rezepin
    Rocket Software

  • 14.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 09-27-2024 16:57
    Thanks, but what I was looking for was the documentation Juergen built on how to get a product initially defined to install with SMP/E

  • 15.  RE: SMP/E installation for Open Source z/OS software

    Posted 02-04-2019 04:04

    Hi Juergen

    unfortunatelly I did not yet have the time to go through your documentation in detail but I will discuss it with z/OS base team and will keep you informed.

    Best regards and many thanks for the detailed documentation