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Socket NIO server reports ClosedByInterruptException

  • 1.  Socket NIO server reports ClosedByInterruptException

    Posted 05-04-2016 16:15


    Avoiding ClosedByInterruptException when using Socket NIO

    Setting threadMaxIdle when using Socket NIO

    Socket NIO, threadMaxIdle and ClosedByInterruptException


    VisiBroker 8.5

    All Supported Platforms

    Java Socket NIO

    Question/Problem Description

    When using Java Socket NIO, VisiBroker servers occasionally report the following exception:

    org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException

    Clarifying Information

    In order to help minimise the memory usage of server applications, VisiBroker provides the property:<se_name>.scm.<scm_name>.dispatcher.threadMaxIdle

    This property specifies how long a worker thread can remain idle before VisiBroker’s internal garbage collector destroys it.

    For detailed information on the “threadMaxIdle” property, please see our knowledgebase article entitled "Thread Pool Dispatcher threadMaxIdle".

    Additionally, VisiBroker also provides the ability to use server-side, Java socket non-blocking IO (Java NIO). This can help reduce the number of threads required by the server to accept and read incoming requests.

    For detailed information on using Java NIO, please see our knowledgebase entitled "Behavior difference between NIO and blocking IO in VisiBroker".

    Error Message

    org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException

    Defect/Enhancement Number

    RPI 1104601


    Under certain circumstances, the VisiBroker garbage collector may attempt to destroy a worker thread, while it is reading from a Java NIO SocketChannel. This can occur under the following conditions:

    • If the "threadMaxIdle" property is set to a low value
    • If Java Non-blocking IO is in use

    The above scenario ultimately results in a CORBA communication failure. The server reports:

    org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException


    To avoid this CORBA communication exception, we recommend increasing the threadMaxIdle value. This change aims to reduce the frequency by which idle threads are destroyed.

    Destroying idle threads less frequently can increase the memory footprint of the application, as the idle threads' local information remains in storage.

    Similarly, destroying idle threads less frequently can improve the application's performance, as it reduces the overhead of destroying old threads and recreating new ones.
