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Rocket Uniface 10.4.01-013 Released

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  • 1.  Rocket Uniface 10.4.01-013 Released

    Posted 03-16-2022 15:20
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    Product availability Matrix (PAM)
    Downloads of this patch are available from the Rocket Customer Support Portal.
    Further explanation can be found here.


    Support added for Java 17 (LTS) on W64, LIE, LIF, LU7 and LU8


    UNI-27841Uniface cannot create batch scripts from /lan=jav command line.
    UNI-27800IDE loses script changes after failing property updates.
    UNI-27711UNIFIELD: Failure when the cellheight is un-equal to 100%
    UNI-27704Window alignment in a DSP goes wrong when message for that window is too big.
    UNI-27625Security issue in the URouter and DLM License services.
    UNI-18491Debugger View>Browser>Add Watch adds field name in up entity
    UNI-17110IDE: command line switch /plt and /tpl create runtime objects for Global ProcScript
    UNI-8303Debugger: Unable to remove breakpoint on proc errors < -500
    UNI-7746Operation with many parameters can cause compile error when using Struct/Handle

    UNI-27841  -  Uniface cannot create batch scripts from /lan=jav command line.

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-013, 10.4.01-013


    Uniface cannot generate batch files anymore which are necessary to build the java callin.
    /sto /lan=jav <batch file=""> <component>
    This now generates only shell scripts and this makes the solution un-usable on windows.</component></batch>


    Uniface Version : 10.x
    Operating System : WIN




    This problem is solved.

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    UNI-27800  -  IDE loses script changes after failing property updates.

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-013, 10.4.01-013


    IDE loses script changes after failing property updates. E.g. a rename attempt has been made which is corrected or escaped will lead to a wrong state of your Script Editor. You can still make changes however you'll lose them eventually as you need to Refresh first.


    Uniface Version : 10.x
    Operating System : ALL


    Manual refresh of the Editor involved.


    This problem is solved.

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    UNI-27711  -  UNIFIELD: Failure when the cellheight is un-equal to 100%

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-013, 10.4.01-013


    When the cellheight is not defined as 100% the unifield shows up on the wrong position and with the wrong size.


    Uniface Version : 10.x
    Operating System : ALL




    This problem is solved.

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    UNI-27704  -  Window alignment in a DSP goes wrong when message for that window is too big.

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-013, 10.4.01-013


    For the DSP window if the message length shown in that window is too long then window alignment goes left side and some time out of the browser where the user will not get any hint where that message window disappears.
    string mystring
    mystring = "My long messageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
    webmessage mystring


    + Uniface version: 10.x
    + Platform: ALL




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    UNI-27625  -  Security issue in the URouter and DLM License services.

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-013, 10.4.01-013


    Security issue in the URouter and DLM License services.


    Uniface Version : 10.x
    Operating System : ALL




    This problem is solved.
    To fully implement all security fixes delivered in this version, it is imperative, after a product upgrade, to reinstall the license service by first removing it in the Server Environment tab of DLM (but do not remove the license). When removing the service has finished, select Add, ‘browse for a license file on disk’ and reinstall the service by selecting the license file.

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    UNI-18491  -  Debugger View>Browser>Add Watch adds field name in up entity

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-013, 10.4.01-013


    When we have several entities inside of each other, Debugger View>Browser>Add Watch adds field name in up entity.
    Reproduction scenario:
    When we have several entities inside of each other and we use View>Browser and right click field and select Add Watch, even if same field is not exist in first entity, Debugger adds a watch to name of first entity.
    Customers complaint is only for wrong entity added to watch but I find out
    same behavior for fields which don't exist in first entity.
    Expected Result:
    Correct field added to watch
    Actual Result:
    Field in the first entity added to watch


    Uniface Version : 9.7.05.x
    Operating System : ALL


    Use View > Select Watches.


    This problem is solved.

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    UNI-17110  -  IDE: command line switch /plt and /tpl create runtime objects for Global ProcScript

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-013, 10.4.01-013


    The compiler command line switch /plt and /tpl create runtime objects. This is not correct. The switches should only compile the main development objects that are defined as palettes respectively templates and not generate any runtime objects.
    The command line switch /plt compiles main development objects that are defined as palettes (Purpose = P), and /tpl compiles main development objects that are defined as templates (Purpose = T). but both should not generate runtime objects. But this is not the case: when compiling components Global ProcScript using /plt or /tpl then signatures (or SIG runtime objects) respectively PRC runtime objects are generated.


    Uniface Version : 10.3.x
    Operating System : ALL




    This problem is solved.

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    UNI-8303  -  Debugger: Unable to remove breakpoint on proc errors < -500

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-013, 10.4.01-013


    Debugger: Unable to remove breakpoint on proc errors < -500
    Reproduction Scenario:
    In the debugger, you can set breakpoints on specified proc error codes.
    If the proc error code is <= -500 and you try to remove it by clicking the REMOVE button, it looks like the breakpoint is removed.
    But if you then click APPLY, the breakpoint is back again.


    Uniface Version : 9.7.05.x
    Operating System : ALL


    Edit UDBG.CNF and remove the breakpoint using an editor
     Description = Current / last State;
     IoPrint = 0;
     TracePrint = 0;
     ProcTracing = NO;
     Errors = -50,-1101;
    You can remove the code(s) in question, in this case 1101 from the "Errors"


    This problem is solved.

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    UNI-7746  -  Operation with many parameters can cause compile error when using Struct/Handle

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-013, 10.4.01-013


    In case an operation has at least 13 parameters then this can cause a compile error if the >= 13. parameter is a Struct or handle.
    When an operation has many parameters (at least 13) then this can cause a compile error if one or more parameters are of the type Struct or handle and these are defined as parameter number 13 (or higher). The length of the parameter names preceding the Struct/handle parameter(s) also have an influence on when the problem might occur. E.g.
    when 12 parameters are defined and the name of each is 32 bytes then a compile error can be thrown if the 13. parameter is a Struct or handle
    when 20 parameters are defined and the name of each is 15 bytes then a compile error can be thrown if the 21. parameter is a Struct or handle
    when 27 parameters are defined and the name of each is 10 bytes then a
    compile error can be thrown if the 28. parameter is a Struct or handle
    Consider the following code:
    operation test1
    #define list=01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21
    #for param = (<list>), counter
    string inParameter__:IN
    struct pStruct:IN
    pStruct->Test = "Test"
    end;- test1 operation
    When compiling the above code then the following error is thrown:
    Phase 7: Procs compilation
    (TEST1) 1 pStruct->Test = "Test"
    (TEST1) error: 1000 - Syntax error (Operator '->' not valid for used data
    error: 1112 - Total Proc compile errors: 1.</list>


    Uniface Version : 9.5.x
    Operating System : ALL


    Make sure that Struct/handle parameters are defined first.


    This problem is solved.

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