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  • 1.  Fatal message when adding a file to stage using a local repo

    Posted 08-21-2017 15:17

    I’d like to run git in code page IBM-1047 or let it default.
    It looks like git is configured to use ISO8859-1.

    How can I change it so that I don’t have to use tagging, auto convert, etc.?

    Here are the commands I used:

    git --version
    git version 2.3.5_os390_b013

    cd local-repo
    created a file using vi testfilez

    ls -al
    drwxr-xr-x 8 XXXXXX YYYYYYYY 8192 Aug 21 13:35 .git
    -rw-r–r-- 1 XXXXXX YYYYYYYY 0 Aug 21 12:14 .gitignore
    -rw-r–r-- 1 XXXXXX YYYYYYYY 6 Aug 21 14:02 testfilez

    chtag -p testfilez
    m IBM-1047 T=off testfilez

    git add testfilez
    fatal: testfilez added file : file tag (IBM-1047) does not match file attributes (ISO8859-1)

    git status
    On branch master
    Untracked files:
    (use “git add …” to include in what will be committed)


    nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use “git add” to track)


  • 2.  RE: Fatal message when adding a file to stage using a local repo

    Posted 08-22-2017 05:59


    I recommend you to read zOS_Git_Release_Notes.pdf, which describes how to use this git port. You can find this file in /share/doc/git/2.3.5 or immediately in RocketCommunity.
    According to your question. We port products with enhanced ASCII support, so it is not possible to use them without tagging and auto convert.

    If you are sure all files in your repository are in EBCDIC encoding, you have to create .gitattributes file and add following settings:

    ∗ working-tree-encoding=ibm-1047 git-encoding=iso8859-1
    .gitattributes working-tree-encoding=iso8859-1 git-encoding=iso8859-1
    .gitignore working-tree-encoding=iso8859-1 git-encoding=iso8859-1

    .gitattributes and .gitignore should be in ISO8859-1 encoding and have the same tag.

  • 3.  RE: Fatal message when adding a file to stage using a local repo

    Posted 08-22-2017 08:18

    You might also want to read this forum post regarding using git on z/OS with github for examples of working with EBCDIC files.

  • 4.  RE: Fatal message when adding a file to stage using a local repo

    Posted 09-21-2017 13:56

    Followed the Git for z/OS Release Notes PDF for installation and configuration.
    We’re running z/OS 2.2, and have a USS file system mounted on directory /ourxxx/hrobuild with tagging (TEXT,819).

    XXJAVA@SYSX$ git --version
    git version 2.3.5_os390_b013

    I’m working with an application developer who is running into a couple of issues.
    After running a successful git clone using ssh, the git pull is failing.
    /ourxxx/rocket/git-2.3.5/libexec/git-core/git-pull: cd: ÅÑÈŽ: EDC5129I No such file or directory.

    These are the commands that were used.

    XXJAVA@SYSX$ pwd

    XXJAVA@SYSX$ git clone ssh://
    Cloning into ‘hroexception’…
    remote: Counting objects: 24, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (14/14), done.
    remote: Total 24 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
    Receiving objects: 100% (24/24), 4.20 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
    Checking connectivity… done.

    XXJAVA@SYSX$ cd hroexception

    XXJAVA@SYSX$ git status
    On branch master
    Your branch is up-to-date with ‘origin/master’.
    nothing to commit, working directory clean

    XXJAVA@SYSX$ git pull
    /ourxxx/rocket/git-2.3.5/libexec/git-core/git-pull: cd: ÅÑÈŽ: EDC5129I No such file or directory.
    Unable to determine absolute path of git directory

    XXJAVA@SYSX$ git pull origin master
    /ourxxx/rocket/git-2.3.5/libexec/git-core/git-pull: cd: ÅÑÈŽ: EDC5129I No such file or directory.
    Unable to determine absolute path of git directory

    XXJAVA@SYSX$ git check-attr -a *

    XXJAVA@SYSX$ cat .git/info/attributes

    • git-encoding=ISO8859-1 working-tree-encoding=ISO8859-1

    Is there a way to trace what is occurring?

  • 5.  RE: Fatal message when adding a file to stage using a local repo

    Posted 09-21-2017 15:44

    This problem looks very similar to the one reported here.

    Did you install the co-requisite products of bash 4.3 and perl, and are you using that bash as your shell?

    As for tracing: You can set GIT_TRACE=1 and GIT_TRACE_PACK_ACCESS=1 to get more information.

  • 6.  RE: Fatal message when adding a file to stage using a local repo

    Posted 09-21-2017 16:47

    We have bash 4.3 and perl 5.24 installed.
    The user just added the bash profile to his .profile and re-logged in.
    That worked. Thank you.

    XXJAVA@SYSX$ pwd
    XXJAVA@SYSX$ git pull origin master
    From ssh://

    • branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
      Already up-to-date.

    XXJAVA@SYSX$ git pull
    Already up-to-date.

    Our USS default shell is /bin/sh and when we log in we source “profiles” using dot scripts in .profile.
    Do we need a .bashrc file too?


    . /hewitt/rocket/perl/perl.profile
    . /hewitt/rocket/git/git.profile
    . /hewitt/rocket/bash/bash.profile

  • 7.  RE: Fatal message when adding a file to stage using a local repo

    Posted 09-21-2017 17:00

    Great that it worked!

    There are many possible ways to configure the shell startup files, and I can’t really say that there is any particular standard or best practice. Many users prefer to control the shell startup process entirely.