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Javascript libreries to be used with Uniface

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  • 1.  Javascript libreries to be used with Uniface

    Posted 06-28-2023 11:18
    Edited by Daniel Iseli 06-29-2023 05:11
    No replies, thread closed.

    Hi Unifacer,

    I am in the process to define a renewed Standard&Guidelines, following current terminology a "framework", to be used with Uniface to develop a 3tiers web application:
    - the front-end must be HTML based
    - services and reports will be reused from application(s) currently in production

    The big question is: which set of Javascript libraries and why?

    I know the question has no simple answer, expecially the WHY part, probably requiring a book with hundreds of pages but I will appreciate any answer or tips will be posted here.


    Best regards,

    Gianni Sandigliano

    Duplicate post: see Javascript libraries to be used with Uniface [questioning now in the correct forum...]