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Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-027 Released

  • 1.  Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-027 Released

    Posted 07-20-2023 02:59


    Product availability Matrix (PAM)
    Downloads of this patch are available from the Rocket Customer Support Portal.
    Further explanation can be found here.

    New Feature(s)

    • It is now possible to use function and other keyboard keys without having to combine them with the Ctrl or Alt key.


    UNI-33920Return value of exec operation might not be correct when modal-form is non-interactive
    UNI-33525SOP 2.0 Basic authentication password is not parsed correctly
    UNI-32934Field layout template with default value causes compiler warning 1027

    UNI-33920  -  Return value of exec operation might not be correct when modal-form is non-interactive

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-027


    The return value of the exec operation of a modal form component might not be correct when using Uniface 10.4.02-000 (or higher) in case the component is non-interactive.

    Consider the following scenario:

    1. The modal form MODAL_FRM1 is activated
    2. In the exec operation a show statement is executed
    3. The operation is left with 'return -1'

    In the calling component $status returns 0 instead of -1.


    +Uniface: Version 10.4.02-000 (and higher)
    +Operating System: OS independent
    +Database: DBMS independent




    This problem is solved.

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    UNI-33525  -  SOP 2.0 Basic authentication password is not parsed correctly

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-027


    The parsing of the account password through the SOAP connector PARAMS for basic authentication seems to be bugged when the password.

    SOP U2.0
    USYS$SOP_PARAMS = rto=60000 euser=xyz epass=abc scheme=B

    It appears that the space is not taken into consideration causing the param that comes after the password is added a to the passworkstring

    euser=xyz epass=abcscheme=B


    + Uniface Version : 10.4.02
    + Operating System : ALL


    If the password is moved to the end of the list of parameters, the parsing is correct. And in case the standard separators for the driver parameters (space and comma) are replaced with the Uniface list separator (Gold+; or hex 0x15) in the ASN-file then this will also fix the described issue.


    This problem is solved

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    UNI-32934  -  Field layout template with default value causes compiler warning 1027

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-027


    When a field layout template is created with just the default values (causing the generated layout shorthand code to be empty in U_MOD.UGFLAY) and assigned to a field in a modeled entity then this will cause the warning 1027 "Field layout template <Template Name> for <Field.Entity> not found, defaults assumed" when compiling the related entity or a component that use that entity.


    +Uniface: Version 10
    +Operating System: OS independent
    +Database: DBMS independent




    This problem is solved.

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