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Upgrade deprecated functions replacement.

  • 1.  Upgrade deprecated functions replacement.

    Posted 12-22-2023 06:15
    Edited by Iain Sharp 12-22-2023 06:15


    I've just upgraded our development environment from 10.3 to 10.4. 

    During which the full compile output many errors of "sort/e" and "$runmode" being deprecated. 

    So the solution to both of these is simple (take the export used in the upgrade and do a global search and replace for sort/e-sort and $runmode-$edimode. Re-import the system xml export, re-compile. 

    However, did I miss a trick? Is there some setting which causes the import to automagically replace 'easy' deprecated statements like these, because the re-import and recompile is 4 hours out of my life.... 
    If there isn't, wouldn't it be nice if there was? 



    Iain Sharp
    Head of Technical Services
    Pci Systems Ltd
    Sheffield GB