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Performance enhancement in jBASE 5.8: comparing against '' (NULL)

  • 1.  Performance enhancement in jBASE 5.8: comparing against '' (NULL)

    Posted 05-03-2022 12:54

    In jBASE 5.8, an enhancement to the BASIC (aka jBC) compiler has made comparisons against '' (empty string) dramatically faster.

    Historically it was quicker to compare the LEN() of a variable against 0 to test if a variable was '' (NULL).

    For example if you're on 5.7 (or earlier) try the sample code.

    workVar = STR('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 10000)
    startTime = SYSTEM(12)
    FOR I = 1 TO 10000
        IF workVar NE '' THEN
    NEXT I
    CRT 'First FOR loop took: ':SYSTEM(12)-startTime
    startTime = SYSTEM(12)
    FOR I = 1 TO 10000
        IF LEN(workVar) THEN
    NEXT I
    CRT 'Second FOR loop took: ':SYSTEM(12)-startTime

    On 5.8 the statement:

    IF workVAR NE '' THEN

    now gets compiled to a special function (this is also true for EQ '') that performs the same as

    IF LEN(workVar) NE 0 THEN

    so the sample program (above) will produce similar results (depending on system usage).

    Peter Falson
    Rocket Internal - All Brands