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Polymer: Getting a closer look

By Uniface Test posted 09-21-2015 06:47


(Original creator: Rachid Siallioui)

Last week, a few of us from the mobile scrum team attended the first ever Polymer summit organized by Google. Amsterdam was chosen as the perfect location for the international conference, since it is has an “incredibly strong developer community in Europe”. 

The event is fully devoted to Polymer: a new web library fully developed by Google and widely supported by the WebKit-based browsers (i.e. Chrome, Opera) and Microsoft Edge. With Polymer, users can create composable and modularized web applications that make use of a new web standard, called web components. Web Components are currently being produced by Google engineers as a W3C standard. They are built on four basic foundations:

(1) native client-side templating;

(2) shadow DOM scoping and composition;

(3) custom elements to create your own HTML DOM elements;

and (4) HTML imports to load web components.

Polymer web components architecture is already used by many companies and users. One user was quoted at the event: “We no longer build applications. We have and are enriching, a module market sourced from industry and the ING global community. Modules are assembled into applications as the business requires,” ING - one of the first users of web components - quoted in one of the presentations.

I also speak on behalf of my colleagues who also attended, when I say it was an interesting and well organized event full of useful information and examples of what is coming our way regarding web and mobile development. In case you are interested, the whole event was recorded and can be viewed on their YouTube page.


