Welcome to the Rocket Forum! We’re glad you’re here.
There are a lot of features for you to check out, so let’s get you started.
NOTE: If you've registered with a personal email and we can't associate your account to a business account with Rocket, your access/functionality may be limited. It's perfectly fine if you've done this, but we encourage you to help us make this connection so you have the best experience possible. Contact a moderator if you feel like you may be missing access, for instance to the member directory. We can fix that once we know who you are!
Use the navigation menu at the top of each page to work your way around the site.
From here you can head to:
- Home: Brings you back to the Forum's landing page.
- Forums: Access the full list of our forums (All Forums), the list of forums you’ve already joined (My Forums), and easily post a message to any of the forums you’ve joined.
- Members: Search for other Rocket Forum users by their name, email, or interests they’ve entered on their profile.
- Help/FAQs: A list of helpful information, and frequently asked questions.
- My Profile: See/update all of your forum-related information including forums subscriptions, email preferences, contributions and your forum mailbox.
Speaking of profile, having an updated profile is the best way to have a great Forum experience. Other members want to know who they are talking to, and put a 'face to a name.' Adding details about your role, interests, industry and location can help you build your network.
A lot of profile features can be directly accessed via your personalized dashboard on the home page. The drop down box in the upper right corner of any page, next to your picture/silhouette, gets you there from any page.
The dashboard also suggests actions to improve your forum experience and help you get the most from it.
We have a growing list of forums on specific topics of interest. Access them by selecting “Forums,” then “All Forums.” See something that sparks your interest? Feel free to join in! Don't see a forum you are looking for, suggest a new one by contacting the moderator via the link in the page footer.