After being unsuccessful installing the server side of AccuTerm 8 either from my Cisco VPN connection or from a local to the network ...
Kevin, It should be in the documentaiton somewhere, though you can also find references in the Rocket KnowleddgeBase - here's ...
Additionally, the only document I can find talks about using Windows servers for Unidata. I'm trying to set up a ODBC connection ...
John, which client document specifically spells out the TRACE_LEVEL options? I'm looking at the document for 5.1 clients and ...
Kevin, Take a look at the TRACE_LEVEL setting in the ud_database file. This is covered in the U2 Client documentation ...
Hello. We use Easysoft's ODBC driver to connect from UniData to SQL.
I have a customer who is attempting to setup a Fedex machine, connecting it to Unidata to transfer data. The same ODBC driver ...
Hi, one of the fun things to do with source code these days is to put it into version control. VS Code makes that easy. One ...
I didn't think about that SELECTINDEX option. That's a winner right there. Thank you for the tip!
I'm a Universe guy so Unidata is not my area, but I wonder what is the benefit of doing this as a TCL command? If you are writing ...