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  • Roger Van Valen's profile image

    RE: View Console log from engine side JavaScript in ...

    Hi Ameer, There are several ways to get to the console log and even debug the JavaScript in the engine, recommended is to use ...

  • Ameer Salman's profile image

    View Console log from engine side JavaScript in browser ...

    Hi, I have linked an engine-side JavaScript file to a page onLoad and deployed it to the QA server, but I cannot view the console ...

  • David Knight's profile image

    RE: super Q-pointers

    Answered in: Rocket D3 | mvBase

    The following TCL command from a client's system 'looking at' another d3/win system should give you the clues you need: COUNT ...

  • James Sy's profile image

    RE: super Q-pointers

    Answered in: Rocket D3 | mvBase

    I seem to remember it was somewhat starting with this [//servername]

  • David Knight's profile image

    RE: super Q-pointers

    Answered in: Rocket D3 | mvBase

    Good morning James! From the d3 manual: Super Q-pointer Super Q-pointers are extended Q-pointers used to access non-D3 ...

  • James Sy's profile image

    super Q-pointers

    Asked in: Rocket D3 | mvBase

    Hi, can someone help me? I have 2 D3 windows servers with the same version. I used to have a super q-pointer on the second ...

  • Ken Harker's profile image

    RE: UV 11.4.1 on RHEL 9

    Thank you, Henry, for your response. That was reassuring. I will look into 14.1.1 and discuss with my team.

  • Roger Van Valen's profile image

    RE: How to display Engine side collected variable in ...

    Hi Vignesh, Sure, instead of adding the text in the constructor of the creation of the object, you can also create an object ...

  • Henry Unger's profile image

    RE: UV 11.4.1 on RHEL 9

    We have been using UniVerse 11.4.1 on RHEL 9 for quite some time with no issue, but I would recommend going to UniVerse 14.1.1 ...

  • Ken Harker's profile image

    UV 11.4.1 on RHEL 9

    We are upgrading from RHEL 7 to 8 to 9. Then, we will need to upgrade UV 11.3.1 to 11.4.1. We are considering only going ...