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Using Agile Beyond Development

By Uniface Test posted 07-06-2015 07:32


(Original creator: adriang)

Those who follow me on Facebook or Twitter will know that I recently traveled to Brazil on what turned out to be one of the busiest trips I think I’ve even done, but it was also one of the most inspirational for a couple of reasons. The most pertinent being a trip to see Bravi in a city called Florianopolis in the south of Brazil. Bravi currently provides outsourced Uniface services, but the thing that really struck me wasn’t anything related to Uniface, it was their use of the Agile methodology throughout their entire company. We have used agile for a number of years to develop and maintain Uniface, we’ve presented it both at Uniface and (non-Uniface) industry events, and as a product manager I’m really a fan of what it brings 

I’d never contemplated using it elsewhere, but I can really see the value it brings from a flexibility (agility?) perspective, and also the visibility it brings within the organization to help make sure people are aware and informed. I really like that it means information, status, etc, are available and those that are interested have the information available.

Bravi's kanban board they use for HR[/caption] Next steps, we’re going to start using it in a couple of departments, we’ll start by keeping it quite simple, using kanban boards, probably one financial year will be a sprint, and a whole lot more to think about yet. We’re planning on changing our internal systems this year, and once done, a phase two could be to move to online systems. Some interesting times ahead.




05-10-2019 08:03

You basically are talking "lean six sigma" in this blog. It is a proven quality improvement methodology.

05-10-2019 08:03

Actually I'm not hung up on titles, but I'm happy to name myself both. We are a commercial software company, so product management is a key part of our operation.

05-10-2019 08:03

If you do Scrum, start naming yourself a product owner rather than a product manager.