
  • Rocket® MultiValue Performance Experience v1.9.0- Now Available and provide even more insights into

    We are pleased to announce the release of MultiValue Performance Experience v on January 25, 2024.  This is the third MVX: Performance release focused on improving replication as part of a MultiValue HA/DR strategy.  We’ve added replication charts to provide you with more insights into the replication status and latency of your MV databases. You can now see four different charts showing you the subscriber latency trend, the estimated time to catch up, and the distribution of replication data for all groups or a selected group. This is a big improvement over using XAdmin, where you had to do the mental math to understand the estimated time to catch up. You can also use the Graphical Range drop-down menu in MVX: Performance to select a time range for viewing the data trends.

    Two of the replication charts now support aggregated group data, which means you can see the combined data for multiple groups in one chart. This can help you compare and contrast the replication performance of different groups.

    In order to prevent the perfhist data file from growing too large, we’ve optimized this with a default value of 1 day.  This has created system crashes in the past.

    The Memory Utilization table now provides information for the Cache Size in numeric measured units.

    In addition, the Universe Port is now named unirpc port to identify the port of the data server more precisely to be registered.  This should reduce confusion in the registration process.

    To learn more about these and other features, please refer to the documentation or contact us for a demo. We hope you enjoy using this powerful tool, which helps to optimize and enhance your MV performance.

    For more information, please consult the Release Notes. And be sure to check out our new MVX: Performance playlist on our YouTube channel. 

    The Rocket MultiValue Performance Experience is free to our customers on maintenance. Our team is eager to assist you with any questions or support you may need during the upgrade process. If you are currently on maintenance, you can download Rocket UniVerse 11.4.1 on Rocket Business Connect (RBC). If you do not have an active maintenance contract, please contact our sales team to get started!

    Rocket MultiValue maintains a standard Product Lifecycle policy. To view the lifecycle for your version of UniVerse and related tools, review the lifecycle dates and statuses on the Product Availability Matrix (PAM).