
Two Database Trends Catching my Attention

By Uniface Test posted 01-22-2013 05:00


(Original creator: adriang)

  After a couple of conversations in recent weeks on databases, they have been playing on my mind. (Maybe I have cabin fever from being inside during the cold weather!) At this time, it’s clear from the questions we get, from the support calls we receive and just watching the industry in general, that the database trends are changing.  I think that looking at the Uniface 9.6 product availability matrix (PAM) for Uniface 9.6 starts to show what we are seeing. The databases that we provided support for the pagination/web hitlist support. Oracle, Microsoft, MySQL and Solid are the databases that I’d estimate cover 80% of deployed Uniface applications nowadays. This doesn’t mean that the remaining databases aren’t important, but I think almost all new deployments are on these four technologies. But what’s been interesting is that the question of new databases has come up.  Now I have to say that when I’m asked a ‘will Uniface support?’ kind of product management question, I always ask ‘why?’… Why is it needed? What’s the reason this is important to you? And so forth. The first question was about no-sql databases, and if we had considered supporting them. After further questioning it seems that this was more to do with a ‘it’s trendy, so I want to use it,’ but I have to say I was, and still am very curious to see if there are good reasons to take a look at no-sql, as my initial thought was that it’s not the type of data source typically used with a Uniface application (mission critical, large volumes of data and so forth). The other database was much more intriguing… PostgreSQL, and one of the customers doing the asking is actually one of our largest enterprise customers, who are seriously considering moving from their current database to PostgreSQL, an open source database. And the entire reason is to cut costs from expensive database licenses. PostgreSQL is quite an interesting database, it’s well supported, very functional and it does have its own open source licensing model which is very liberal when compared to alternatives. No decisions made, but it’s certainly got my attention. If things develop, it will be a case of ‘watch this space’…! And Brett, if you read this, don’t be alarmed, we’re going to put the pagination into the db2 driver this year!



05-10-2019 07:59

Hello Mr. Veldhuis,
I think my company EnterpriseDB can help.
We are the largest Postgres support provider world-wide and we have Oracle DB compatibility. There is also a Uniface ODBC driver for Postgres.
If you are interested, let's talk :).
You can reach me at

05-10-2019 07:59

Hi Adrian,
Oracle is our main RDBMS at the moment. The costs of the licenses are high and rising.
We are looking for other alternatives and PostgreSQL is my favorite.
I hope it will be supported by Uniface soon.

05-10-2019 07:59

Hi Adrian,
since 9.6 introduced the HTML widget, I'm experimenting with the ways to enrich C/S applications with this.
As a consequence, I scan a lot of HTML5 and javascript examples for inspiration,
On "client side scripting" I found some attempts to use no-sql databases on the client
to store temporary per-user information like to-do lists, result sets, data sets, preferences, checkpoints ...
which are too big to store in cookies, but should not spoil the central databases.
Well, on Uniface we have done this since years with filedumps and fileloads; but since we support HTML ???