Rocket iCluster

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  • 1.  A question on how to EXCLUDE a group of IFS stream files

    Posted 02-27-2024 20:29
    Edited by Satid Singkorapoom 02-27-2024 20:39

    Hello All

    My customer IBM i system has been in production mode for a bit more than 3 weeks now and whenever I run DMDSPLOG, I notice a million of accumulated number (since the first day of production mode) of the following iCluster message :

                iCluster Event Log Additional Message Information             
     Message ID . . . . . :   HAB1012       Severity . . . . . . :   30       
     Date sent  . . . . . :   27/02/24      Time sent  . . . . . :   17:12:06 
     Machine  . . . . . . :   <Primary Node Name>                                       
    Message  . . . :   A BSF object was suspended with reason code RTV.   iCluster suspended a BSF object for group REP_IFS with backup node <Backuo Node Name>.

    Technical details: . . . .  The reason for suspension is RTV. The process type is OGRP. The job name is (228087/DMCLUSTER/REP_IFS). The full path of the BSF object is:/A/B/C/D/LNR3038_SR47036_20240227_171151_01151.xlsTEMP668519.

    Also whenever sync check is run against REP_IFS group, 200 to 400 counts of IFS file of this similar name format in the same IFS folder path are reported in OOS count in WRKCSMON screen.  S/O count of this group of files is zero to a max of some 10s so far but it has been rare.   

    The app developer tells me that these are report files for users of a company department and the file extension xlsTEMPnnnnnn means the files are being built which takes time to finish while the files are locked in exclusive mode (which should be the reason for proliferation of HAB1012 message above).    I did change replication delay timer to 30 seconds in the past before production mode but this did not address this issue.

    I'm thinking of excluding these files from replication because they can be generated whenever they are needed.   The question if whether this Object Path is valid for EXCLUSION SPEC ?  /A/B/C/D/*.xlsTEMP*      If not, what is a valid specification?    If it is valid, will it has any negative effect to replication performance because I was told these file are created every day.     My last question is: do I have to restart the group after I add a new EXCLUSION spec?


    Satid Singkorapoom
    IBM i SME
    Rocket Forum Shared Account

  • 2.  RE: A question on how to EXCLUDE a group of IFS stream files

    Posted 02-28-2024 06:48

    Hi Satid,

    Your object path for exclusion will not work, iCluster only accepts wild card selection  where the asterisk is at the end, e.g., /A/B/C/D/.xlsTemp* 

    Are these the only files/objects in this folder? Can you exclude the folder? 

    For any changes to a group, you must end it first, make the change, mark and start group with mark.


    don broadbridge
    Principal Consultant
    Rocket Internal - All Brands
    Denver CO US

  • 3.  RE: A question on how to EXCLUDE a group of IFS stream files

    Posted 02-28-2024 08:41

    Dear Mr. Broadbridge

    I will consider the possibility of excluding the folder instead.


    Satid S.