We are very happy to announce that the container images for RocketCE v1.8.0 are now available on quay.io.
These container images are based on UBI8 and the conda packages are installed from the conda channel RocketCE
The images are published for following components and environments
Repositories for images to be used with CPU on Power 9 and Power 10 platform.
Repositories for images to be used with GPU support on Power 9 platform.
Following tags are published, convention being (pythonVersion-RocketCEVersion)
- py38-rce180
- py39-rce180
- py310-rce180
Following is an example command to pull the images from the repository.
docker quay.io/rocketce/pytorch:py39-rce180
Detailed information on how to use these images can be found in following posts.
System Requirements For Running RocketCE Container Images
How to use Container Images of Tensorflow from RocketCE v1.8.0
How to use Container Images of Pytorch from RocketCE v1.8.0
Suyog Jadhav
Rocket Internal - All Brands