Rocket Modern Experience (formerly LegaSuite)

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  • 1.  Can customized Qooxdoo widgets be used in MX Web?

    Posted 03-18-2024 12:43

    Can customized Qooxdoo widgets be used in MX Web? What configuration changes would we need to make to enable the use of such a widget? We don't have such a widget at this point but am being asked to explore this possibility. I haven't been able to find any Rocket documentation on the topic.

    Mike Warren
    Software Development Manager, GOLD Team Leader
    Grand Rapids MI US

  • 2.  RE: Can customized Qooxdoo widgets be used in MX Web?

    Posted 03-19-2024 03:55

    Hi Mike,

    Technically it is possible to use custom widgets in MX Web. They can be added using the script window widgets on the web pages.

    Note that these need to be fed data through client side JavaScript. Using engine side global variables and script functions is possible through the JavaScript APIs to communicate with the engine and/or host system. 

    For (regular) input controls we advice to use the built-in widgets, because they have automatic communication with the engine on changes for both input and output and will also be able to handle our keyboard buffer functionality.

    Custom widgets are mainly used for special activities not available or extensive enough in the built-in widgets such as complex graphs and integration with e.g. bar-code readers and/or phone systems.

    Hope this helps,


    Roger van Valen
    Senior manager, software engineering
    Rocket Software
    Dordrecht, The Netherlands