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  • 1.  drill-down process in SBXA Selection-Process

    Posted 02-12-2024 03:19
    Edited by Thomas Ludwig 02-12-2024 03:56

    Hi all,

    has anyone ever used the drill-down process in SBXA  Selection Process? (F6 Addit in /pd.s)

    I wonder how to return te selection from the called process to the main-screen where the initial-selction process was called and skip the initial-select.
    F3 - Function on Field calls S.SELECT.ITEMS which selects some items and displays information.

    The goal is now to give the user the ability to change the displayed fields after the selection has taken place.
    I got to manage the call of another selection process in the F4 - drill-down slot (e.g. S.SELECT.ITEMS2) which works on the same select list, but after returning from S.SELECT.ITEMS.2 the user still is on S.SELECT.ITEMS instead of returning to the screen with the selected Item from S.SELECT.ITEMS2.

    I already tried to Set option S and option D  to Options in the called Selection-Process but no luck...

    Unfortunately i didn't found any documentation how to use the drill-down slot 

    best regards


    Thomas Ludwig
    System Builder Developer
    Rocket Forum Shared Account

  • 2.  RE: drill-down process in SBXA Selection-Process
    Best Answer

    Posted 02-12-2024 04:18

    hello Thomas,

    Into S.SELECT.ITEMS.2 you set a uservar like USERDATA(1) with the value you want to return and set @RTN.FLAG='X' to exit S.SELECT.ITEMS.

    In S.SELECT.ITEMS you define a ProcessAfter doing @VALUE=@USERDATA(1) 

    I hope this help

    Manu Fernandes

  • 3.  RE: drill-down process in SBXA Selection-Process

    Posted 02-12-2024 05:45

    Thank you Manu, this was excatly the Information I needed.

    It works perfect now.

    best regards


    Thomas Ludwig
    System Builder Developer
    Rocket Forum Shared Account

  • 4.  RE: drill-down process in SBXA Selection-Process

    Posted 02-12-2024 04:27

    hello Thomas,

    About Drill down slot from PD.S,

    The process you set is called when the user press F4, 

    the @KEY var contain the current 'key value' of the current line of the select view (am'ed if multi select)

    Then into drill down you can work on each key as you like. 

    We user a standard 'PD.I.DRILLDOWN,inputprocess' concept to 'Zoom' a data to it's defn screen.

    * GP.DRILLDOWN,procname like I*XXX*XXXX
    KEYS = @KEY
    WHILE KEYS<1> # '' DO
      DATA KEYS<1>
      KEYS = DEL(KEYS,1,0)
    EXIT 0

    introduced in r5.2, see General help/Techno Help / Readme / Readme 5.2

    I hope this help

    Manu Fernandes

  • 5.  RE: drill-down process in SBXA Selection-Process

    Posted 02-12-2024 05:48

    Thanks for the additional-Information - I guess it would be a good Idea to read all the readmes beginning with 5.2 to find what's changed the last two decades. :-)

    Thomas Ludwig
    System Builder Developer
    Rocket Forum Shared Account