Rocket Terminal Emulator

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  • 1.  'Error 5 writing profile' when launching desktop shortcut

    Posted 02-03-2023 10:18
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    Greetings - We're in the process of creating an MSI based installation of Rocket BlueZone, and have experienced some odd behavior. When launching the desktop shortcut to a pre-configured session (*.ZMD), an error is displayed 'Error 5 writing profile - C:\ProgramData\BlueZone\10.1\Config\<name of session>.zmd. We also noticed that if we launch the same session shortcut from the start menu, the error is not displayed. Even more strange, is that after launching the session shortcut from the start menu, then we can launch the desktop shortcut w/o receiving the error message. Has anyone seen this before? Thxs

    Ralph Crowley
    Client engineer
    Capital Group
    Houston TX US

  • 2.  RE: 'Error 5 writing profile' when launching desktop shortcut

    Posted 02-03-2023 11:15
    Error 5 is Access Denied as your user does not have enough rights to write to this location/file. If the MSI package included pre-configured profiles (*.zmd)  it would automatically place these files to the ProgramData\BlueZone\10.1\Config location. When a user launches an instance of the emulator (MF,iSeries,VT,Session Manager) these files are copied to the user's Documents\BlueZone\Config folder (if they don't exist) so the user can directly modify with the correct permissions. If using a /f switch for a shortcut do not include the path to ProgramData as you will run into Access Denied Error. Just use /F"ConfigName.zmd"  as RTE will automatically launch it from the user's Documents\BlueZone\Config folder.

    Mike Jones
    Rocket Internal - All Brands

  • 3.  RE: 'Error 5 writing profile' when launching desktop shortcut

    Posted 02-03-2023 14:29
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    thanks Mike - I believe that's what is happening. I didn't see anything in the setup.ini for desktop shortcuts (for the session file), but when i edit the actual session file, i see the command line switches have the full path to programdata as you described. I don't recall explicitly setting that when configuring the session, but I'll try to modify the path in the session file, and then run another test on a different machine. Thanks for the quick response!

    Ralph Crowley
    Client engineer
    Capital Group Companies Incorporated
    San Antonio TX US

  • 4.  RE: 'Error 5 writing profile' when launching desktop shortcut

    Posted 02-03-2023 14:33
    I spoke too soon - apparently the command line switches is an uneditable field.. is there somewhere else i need to make the change?

    Ralph Crowley
    Client engineer
    Capital Group Companies Incorporated
    San Antonio TX US

  • 5.  RE: 'Error 5 writing profile' when launching desktop shortcut

    Posted 02-08-2023 10:29
    hello @Mike Jones - how would I change the command line switches for a session file? it doesn't seem to be an editable field. Thxs​

    Ralph Crowley
    Client engineer
    Capital Group Companies Incorporated
    San Antonio TX US

  • 6.  RE: 'Error 5 writing profile' when launching desktop shortcut

    Posted 02-08-2023 10:53
    The command-line switches are passed in by the shortcut. Right-click on the shortcut, go into properties and see if you see the /Fpath there.

    Mike Jones
    Rocket Internal - All Brands

  • 7.  RE: 'Error 5 writing profile' when launching desktop shortcut

    Posted 02-08-2023 11:34
    Hi Mike, the challenge is that we are creating the session file & including in our MSI package. The configuration that runs at user startup is what is creating the shortcut, based upon the existing session file (which has the full command switch).

    Ralph Crowley
    Client engineer
    Capital Group Companies Incorporated
    San Antonio TX US