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  • 1.  Font/Form sizes in 10.4

    Posted 06-11-2024 07:07

    Does anyone know why in the conversion from 10.3 to 10.4 some of the forms which used to fit correctly now display scroll bars and have to be resized and (more difficult to manage) a form I have with 4 small output boxes (Progress bar/indicator I want to update asynchronously), now covers the entire output box with a scroll bar unless I make it 2 rows deep? 
    I have checked the 10.3 and 10.4 ini  files, and the font sizes for the canvas font, editfont and label are all the same (although in 10.4 they appear to be surrounded by "" where in 10.3 they are not. 
    I can put up the export for the progress form if anyone wants to try it in their environment. 



    Iain Sharp
    Head of Technical Services
    Pci Systems Ltd
    Sheffield GB

  • 2.  RE: Font/Form sizes in 10.4

    Posted 06-11-2024 08:07

    Hi Iain

    Maybe a "spacing" problem ?
    In the INI under [UPI] there are a few "...spacing.."  options.
    We have to adjust this setting when migrating from 9 to 10 


    Ingo Stiller
    Aareon Deutschland GmbH