D3 and mvBase

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  • 1.  Linux and USB drives - fixing the name

    Posted 03-04-2024 12:41

    I have quite a few customers running Rocky Linux as their OS for D3. Every single one of them has the same problem. A reboot of Linux, not a total shutdown, changes the designation of the USB drives that they use for nightly on-site backups. What was /dev/sdb might come up as /dev/sdd on a reboot. Since they are designated in the PICK0 file for FILE-SAVES, this creates a major problem.

    How can I prevent this problem?

    Richard Ginsburg
    Ginsburg Consulting
    Manassas VA US

  • 2.  RE: Linux and USB drives - fixing the name

    Posted 03-04-2024 13:38

    an quick search in google, thats a "normal" behaviour for ArchLinux
    you have 2 options
    1) use UUID instead the device 
    2) change the UDEV rules by
    SYMLINK+= in your rule; see e.g., /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules for examples.

    test before use in production !!

    Alberto Leal
    System Analyst
    Millano Distribuidora de Auto Pecas Ltda
    Varzea Grande MT BR

  • 3.  RE: Linux and USB drives - fixing the name

    Posted 03-04-2024 18:59

    What is UUID? Can you show me an example, please?

    Richard Ginsburg
    Ginsburg Consulting
    Manassas VA US

  • 4.  RE: Linux and USB drives - fixing the name

    Posted 03-05-2024 07:06

    ls  -lha /dev/disk/by-uuid
    to see the uuids options

    mount -U 1234-SOME-UUID /some/mount/folder

    to mount the disk using UUID

    Alberto Leal
    System Analyst
    Millano Distribuidora de Auto Pecas Ltda
    Varzea Grande MT BR

  • 5.  RE: Linux and USB drives - fixing the name

    Posted 03-05-2024 07:23

    $ lsblk  -f

    IMO, you should always mount file systems by UUID exactly for the reasons you are experiencing. e.g. in /etc/fstab, don't mount by device, mount by UUID:

    #/dev/md126    /home    ext4    defaults,nofail,discard    0    2
    #/dev/md127    /opt    ext4    defaults,nofail,discard    0    2

    UUID=474aa4e7-eea8-469b-adf0-8bb56e4242e5 /home    ext4 defaults,nofail,discard 0 2
    UUID=aa46cdd6-14a5-497d-997f-dd5b8e7f823b /opt ext4 defaults,nofail,discard 0 2

    Bryan Buchanan


  • 6.  RE: Linux and USB drives - fixing the name

    Posted 03-05-2024 16:51

    The disadvantage of a UUID is that it has to be the same USB drive.

    Your procedure would be :

    1. insert USB
    2. do backup
    3. remove USB and copy or move the backup off the USB. alternativly copy the files(s) from the USB & goto step 2.
    4. goto step 1

    I understand that there are ways of setting the UUID for a drive.

    fstab may allow different UUID's for the same mount point.

    Warwick Dreher
    Warwick Dreher
    Croydon AU

  • 7.  RE: Linux and USB drives - fixing the name

    Posted 03-05-2024 17:29

    If you don't like UUIDs, maybe...

    I assume you have some sort of script to do the backup, which assumes a given disk device.
    If your USB device is mounted on, say, /tmp/usb.disk, so your pick0 entry is

    tape /tmp/usb.disk 500 f lx  # tape 3

    You could do the following:

    1. label all USB disks you're ever going to use

    # e2label /dev/??? "mylabel"

    Note - you only need to know the physical mount point once when you label the disks

    2. run your backup from a shell script which mounts the device in the correct place.
    This needs to run as root or sudo.


    umount /tmp/usb.disk
    mount -L mylabel /tmp/usb.disk

    if grep -qs '/tmp/usb.disk' /proc/mounts; then
    #   USB disk is now mounted on a known mount point
    #   run a D3 command to do backup
        d3tcl "some D3 command to run your backup"
    # Oops - some error on mount
        echo "Could not mount external disk !"

    Of course, you could label each day's USB something different and change the script to suite.

    Note the d3tcl command requires some environment variables. Check the manual.

    Bryan Buchanan
    WebbTide Systems Pty Ltd
    Morayfield QLD AU