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Now available | Process Insights, Rocket® API and Rocket® Modern Experience 10.4.2

  • 1.  Now available | Process Insights, Rocket® API and Rocket® Modern Experience 10.4.2

    Posted 03-04-2024 19:08

    The Rocket Software team is pleased to announce that new and latest versions of Rocket Process Insights, Rocket API and Rocket Modern Experience are now available.

    Today's businesses rely on IBM® i & IBM Z® for running hundreds of critical applications that are vital to their operations. For those businesses, Rocket software's Continuous Modernization Kit will enable them to create a data-informed modernization plan that will immediately and positively impact business productivity and ROI. The Continuous Modernization kit comprises of  Rocket Process Insights, Rocket API and Rocket Modern Experience.

    Rocket Process Insights provides an elevated level of awareness and data into their processes, helping businesses develop a modernization plan and evolve their IBM platforms without interrupting those important processes.

    Once you have end-to-end visibility of your business processes with Rocket Process Insights, leverage Rocket Modern Experience and Rocket API to build modern, intuitive user interfaces and automate business processes with customer-host applications that improve productivity and enhance the experience of employees, customers, and partners.

    10.4.2 Highlights include:

    General Enhancements


    • Rocket Process Insights (MX & Automation Hub with the discovery recorder) has been enabled for deployment on systems like  zLinux and IBM PASE for i.
    • Rocket Process Insights, Rocket API & Rocket Modern Experience (Web edition) can now be installed using Docker containerization. All below components are now accessible through the Rocket Software docker registry (
      • MX Web engine                            : mx-web/engine
      • MX Web client                              : mx-web/client
      • Rocket API engine                     : rocket-api/engine
      • Process Insights recorder     : process-insights/recorder
      • MX and Automation hub         : rocket-api/hub



    Security upgrades

    • OpenSSL is upgraded to 3.2.1 to mitigate multiple security vulnerabilities.

    Rocket Process Insights

    Exception handling in Insights for IBM Z

    • IBM Z 's 3270 protocol has limited capability for exception handling compared to IBM i 's 5250 protocol. To address this, Analysts can identify error fields (on screens) which could contain error messages. With this, the Analysts now gain the ability to visualize error scenarios recorded in IBM Z applications.
    • This enhancement will facilitate Exception handling in services generated through Process Insights, which will be available in a future product release.

    Enhanced reporting

    • The exported PDF now incorporates the call stack per screen, mirroring the information available in the call stack accordion within the UI.

    User Experience Enhancements

    • Field Name in Errors Table: The errors table within the accordion now includes the field name column instead of the column number. This modification provides analysts with precise information on where errors occur on a screen.
    • List variables placement: List variables in the Service Generation Wizard are displayed on top of all the input or output variables to make searching for them easier.
    • Carbon v11 Upgrade: The UI library Carbon, accessible at, has been upgraded to version 11. This upgrade brings about performance improvements, introduces the use of new widgets, and enhances overall design.
    • Default Secure Flag: The secure flag in the discovery recorder configuration is now set to true by default, promoting the use of secure connections. Consequently, when publishing a service created with Process Insights, it will be marked as secure by default.

    Rocket MX and Automation Hub

    User Experience Enhancements

    • The Instances page and the Generate dialog for generate mapping in the hub have been rewritten using React framework.
    • The hub's user interface has received various improvements, including enhancements to fonts, line breaks, spacing, button alignments, and tooltips. These refinements contribute to an overall more polished and user-friendly interface.
    • The desktop shortcut names for both the hub and workbench have been improved for readability.

    Rocket Modern Experience (Web Edition)

    Security Enhancements

    • Keylog file for decryption of Wireshark files: A new ini setting SecureKeyLogFile (default: empty) enables TLS master key logging to a file specified by the setting. To make it compatible with Chrome/Firefox/curl, the environment variable SSLKEYLOGFILE is also available, but the ini setting has priority over the environment variable.
    • Chromium upgrade in MX Web Desktop Client (WDC) to mitigate a CVE: This update required .NET 6.0 instead of .NET 4.x, available on Windows 10 and up only. The 32-bit version of the Web Desktop Client can no longer be upgraded, so a 64-bit version of the newer versions of the WDC is available.

    Other upgrades

    • The Rocket MX Web client docker image has been updated to use Java 17.
    • The Jackson and Json libraries in the web servlet have been upgraded. org.json to version 20231013 and com.fasterxml.jackson from to version 2.16.0

    Rocket MX and Automation Workbench

    Eclipse Version Upgrade

    • The workbench has undergone an upgrade to Eclipse version 4.30/2023-12. This update introduces the latest features and improvements available in this Eclipse version.

    Better Field naming

    • In a Host Picture project utilizing a Basic Mapping Support (BMS) macro object, users now have the option to specify the generation of field names from variables in BMS map file comments. This customization enhances the clarity and relevance of field names.

    Framework upgrade

    • The Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) has been upgraded to version 3.18. This includes enhancements such as the palette adjusting to the visual theme of the workbench.

    Apache fop upgrade

    • The org.apache.fop has been upgraded to version 2.9.

    Thank you for trusting your business to Rocket Software. Together, we power legendary outcomes for your company and your customers.

    Detailed release notes for v10.4.2 can be found here: Rocket® Process Insights, Rocket® API, Rocket® Modern Experience (Desktop Edition) and Rocket® Modern Experience (Web Edition)

    Nikesh Zalte
    Product Manager, App Modernization
    Rocket Software