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ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

  • 1.  ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

    Posted 04-06-2024 06:09
    Hello all,
    I use ODBC from rocket to open tables universe into excel.
    It work pretty well for field with Single Value  (S) but not at all for field with Multivalue (M)
    Is it the normal behaviour ? I precise I can read the Multivalue (M) data into the universe shell. 
    Thank you for your help.

    deleuze jean
    Rocket Forum Shared Account

  • 2.  RE: ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

    Posted 04-08-2024 04:16

    Hi Jean,

    Each MV field must be attached to a 'assocName' (field <7> of the dict).

    Then you'll have a secondary table for each assoc into the mainfile, the table is named 'mainfile_assocName' 

    If you define, into the dict file, the assoc as a PH with fields list you limit the fields into the secondary table.

    check the docs for details.

    I hope this help.

    ps : uvodbc can't adress subvalue level !

    Manu Fernandes

  • 3.  RE: ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

    Posted 04-09-2024 05:19

    Hi Manu, 

    Thanks for your reply. 

    Sorry but I don't understand well, 

    Indeed, I see the "assocName" into field 7 of the dict. 

    But what does it mean "as a PH with fields list" ? If I modify assoc parameter with PH into the DICT I can read MV field with ODBC ? 

    When you say "uvodbc can't adress subvalue level" . Does it mean is impossible to read multivalue field with ODBC ? 

    Thanks for your help. 

    deleuze jean
    Rocket Forum Shared Account

  • 4.  RE: ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

    Posted 04-10-2024 08:56

    Fundamentally, ODBC does not understand repeating or nested entities such as MultiValued fields, and clients like Excel would not know how to handle them. So UniVerse has to dynamically normalize these to create virtual sub-tables that they can understand.

    If you have a standard UniVerse Orders table such as:

    Order Id







    It needs to separate these out into two tables to present to ODBC: Orders containing the Order Id, Date, Time and Customer; and Order Details containing Item, Price, Qty and Order Id - as you would find in a SQL database.

    To follow up from what Manu said: each of these sub-tables is identified and named by an association of dictionaries. 

    For the example above, you would have fields that looked something like:









    and a phrase in the dictionary that also binds them together, like:



    Item Price Qty

    You would also need to make sure these are exposed for ODBC. This would then appear as a separate Orders_Details (table) to ODBC (the fields will not appear in Orders).

    ODBC is a slow protocol, with lots of overheads in terms of column descriptions etc. so it is best only to expose what you need. The fields may not have been exposed, or may need to be refreshed.

    Brian Leach
    Brian Leach Consulting
    Chipping Norton GB

  • 5.  RE: ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

    Posted 04-11-2024 17:35

    thank you for your reply Brian, 

    So I think I understand the idea.

    When you deal with a single value field, it's easy to transform data for ODBC. 

    However, when you deal with a multi value field, you need to identify the association with the dictionary and ODBC could take information/data with a sub-table and not in the same table.

    Ok for that, but pratically, how I can do that ? I know how identify the association but in excel for exemple when I open a table with ODBC, I construct one sql request to open data (and only single value are accessible). So, to open a subtable with multi value data, do I need to construct a "special request" with a specific "association keyword" ? 

    thank for your help 

    deleuze jean
    Rocket Forum Shared Account

  • 6.  RE: ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

    Posted 04-15-2024 22:04
    Edited by Greg Clitheroe 04-15-2024 22:05

    Multivalues don't actually require an association. A multivalued attribute included in the @SELECT phrase will be presented as a separate table via Dynamic Normalization whether it has an association or not. There is no point having an association if the multivalued attribute stands alone.

    An association is used to present multiple multivalued  fields where there is a correspondence between the multivalues of separate attributes.

    For example the details of an order might have the ProductCodes, Prices and Quantities as multivalues for each item in three separate attributes of the Order. The association will combine the corresponding multivalue for each attribute as columns in the normalized table with one row for each of the multivalues. The @SELECT need only refer to the association's PH DICT entry and the individual multivalues will be picked up as part of it.

    Greg Clitheroe
    Rocket Forum Shared Account

  • 7.  RE: ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

    Posted 04-10-2024 11:41


    Thank you Brian for the details. 

    You can expose multi value (sep char(253),@VM) but not sub-value (sep char(252), @SVM).



    Manu Fernandes

  • 8.  RE: ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

    Posted 04-15-2024 21:48

    Subvalues can be exposed to ODBC by using the RAISE function in an I-descriptor. It converts subvalue separators to multivalue separators and multivalue separators to value marks, (attributes). However, like all I-descriptors, they will be read only.

    It doesn't always work so well to ODBC for reasons I suspect to be related to the 255 character limit.

    Greg Clitheroe
    Rocket Forum Shared Account

  • 9.  RE: ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

    Posted 04-12-2024 07:42
      |   view attached

    Hi jean

    If you read french I share a how to expose uv with odbc.

    I hope this help. 

    Manu Fernandes


    uv odbc.pdf   131 KB 1 version

  • 10.  RE: ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

    Posted 04-13-2024 17:21

    Many thanks Manu, I read that with great attention. 

    deleuze jean
    Rocket Forum Shared Account

  • 11.  RE: ODBC - Issue when import a S-ingle value / M-ultivalue

    Posted 04-14-2024 04:31

    Hi jean

    Regarding the Excel's side (the client) you must see two table (table, table_assoc)  and you must built a sqlquery with a where = to extract info from the two tables. Odbc expose uv as relationnal.


    Manu Fernandes