Can the user used to run the process (uniface.exe or userver.exe) access the Oracle directory (C:\oracle\product\19.0.0\client_64) ?
UORA*.* needs to access the oci.dll file which is in the Oracle directory.
Original Message:
Sent: 06-11-2024 08:56
From: Daniel Cabero
Subject: Pb with ORA71.dll in the Install of Uniface 10.4.01 64 bits) on a windows server 2019
I'm talking about UORA73
It's just a mistake when I write my mail.
I don't undertand why Uniface cannot find this dll uora73.dll, even if it exists in the good Uniface directory
Could you help me ?
Daniel Cabero
Lead of IT R&D Lidea
LIDEA France
Original Message:
Sent: 06-11-2024 07:52
From: Hortion Gilles
Subject: Pb with ORA71.dll in the Install of Uniface 10.4.01 64 bits) on a windows server 2019
Hi Daniel,
You talk about UORA7.1 but the error is about UORA7.3 ?!?!?
Do you have the same error with the both version ?
PS : 10.04.01 Use only UORA7.3 and UORA 7.5
Hortion Gilles
Dedalus Healthcare France
Artigues Pres Bordeaux FR
Original Message:
Sent: 06-11-2024 05:33
From: Daniel Cabero
Subject: Pb with ORA71.dll in the Install of Uniface 10.4.01 64 bits) on a windows server 2019
We are working on Uniface 10.4.01 on server window 2012 and we want to upgrade the Windows version
So, I'm trying to install Uniface 10.4.01 -4 bits) on a server Win2019 and I have an error.
I don't understand why Uniface cannot find UORA71, because it is in the directory : C:\BIOM\PROGRAM_FILES\Uniface\Uniface 10.4.01\common\bin
which is in the path of the server.
Could you help me please ?
Thanks in advance
Unable to load uora73; error 126 ('The specified module could not be found.')
*** The DLL could not be loaded either in the USYSBIN directory or via the PATH variable.
*** Check if its directory is in the correct place in the PATH variable. Current PATH shown below.
C:\Program Files\Basler\pylon 6\Runtime\x64\;C:\Program Files\Basler\pylon 6\Runtime\Win32\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Systancia\AppliDis;C:\Program Files\SiliconSoftware\Runtime5.7.0\bin;C:\Systancia\AppliDis\AppliDis Serveur\bin\ThinDesktop;
C:\BIOM\PROGRAM_FILES\Uniface\Uniface 10.4.01\common\bin\;
Daniel Cabero
Lead of IT R&D Lidea
LIDEA France