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Releasing RocketCE Xgboost v1.6.1 with OpenCE v1.7.0

  • 1.  Releasing RocketCE Xgboost v1.6.1 with OpenCE v1.7.0

    Posted 10-12-2022 09:43


    XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, flexible, and portable. It implements machine learning algorithms under the Gradient Boosting framework.  

    This release of RocketCE is based on Release OpenCE v1.7.0 and it includes XGBoost 1.6.1. 

    These packages are supported for both Power 9 and Power 10 Systems of IBM with linux-ppc64le. 


    CPU Support 

    RocketCE includes CPU only variant of XGBoost which is built without GPU support. This can be used in Power 9 and Power 10 systems that do not have GPUs, or on systems where you want to train and inference without using the GPUs. 


    GPU Support 

    This version of XGBoost will have support for GPU based operations. This can be used in Power 9 systems. 


    Installation instructions 

    CPU Variant 

    To install XGBoost of CPU variant, un one of the following commands according to the python versions you have:

    • conda install -c rocketce xgboost=1.6.1=cpu_py38_2
    • conda install -c rocketce xgboost=1.6.1=cpu_py39_2

     Once the installation is success, validate the installation by running the following command which lists the package xgboost which was pulled from rocketce channel .

    • Conda list xgboost 

    GPU Variant 

    To install XGBoost of GPU variant, un one of the following commands according to the python versions you have:

    • conda install -c rocketce xgboost=1.6.1=cuda11.2_py38_2    - For CUDA 11.2 version
    • conda install -c rocketce xgboost=1.6.1=cuda11.2_py39_2    - For CUDA 11.2 version

     Once the installation is success, validate the installation by running the following command which lists the package xgboost which was pulled from rocketce channel .

    • Conda list xgboost 

    XGBoost conda packages 

    XGBoost package from RocketCE channel also includes libxgboost conda package.

    More information
    This conda CPU package is using the Power 10 MMA capabilities. More information is available in Matrix-multiply assist (MMA) capabilities.

    Rajesh Nukala
    Rocket Internal - All Brands