Original Message:
Sent: 06-12-2024 02:49
From: debabrata Das
Subject: Rocket Emulator - License query
Thanks for your inputs.
One follow-up question -
Does Rocket Terminal provide the capability to configure custom key-maps?
Its require to configure short-keys or key maps so that it can be used as preferred keyboard short cuts.
debabrata Das
Rocket Forum Shared Account
Original Message:
Sent: 06-10-2024 09:57
From: Harald Braeunlich
Subject: Rocket Emulator - License query
Hi Debabrata,
the Rocket Terminal Emulator (Desktop Edition) - formerly BlueZone - is only available on Microsoft Windows clients.
We have a browser based version - Rocket Terminal Emulator (Web Edition) - that runs on any HTML5 enabled browser including Linux.
Harald Braeunlich
Senior Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 06-10-2024 09:32
From: debabrata Das
Subject: Rocket Emulator - License query
I have one question. Appreciate you could suggest on this?
Is the BlueZone installer available for the Linux platform?
debabrata Das
Rocket Forum Shared Account
Original Message:
Sent: 03-26-2024 08:15
From: Harald Braeunlich
Subject: Rocket Emulator - License query
Hi Debabrata,
with named user licenses every user that needs access to use the Terminal Emulator needs one license. If you have 1000 users that user the Terminal Emulator but only 450 use the Terminal Emulator in parallel (at the same time), you need 1000 named user licenses.
In the concurrent model you only need the number of licenses for the user count that use the Terminal Emulator at a maximum at the same time (concurrent). If you have 1000 users of the Terminal Emulator but only 450 use the Terminal emulator in parallel (at the same time), you need 450 concurrent user licenses.
As a consequence the concurrent user licenses are more expensive than the named user licenses.
Hope that helps.
Harald Braeunlich
Senior Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 03-26-2024 06:16
From: debabrata Das
Subject: Rocket Emulator - License query
Thanks for the reply.
Could you please provide more insights on concurrent users Vs named users and how do they operate?
debabrata Das
Rocket Forum Shared Account
Original Message:
Sent: 03-21-2024 08:17
From: Harald Braeunlich
Subject: Rocket Emulator - License query
Hi Debabrata,
Rocket Terminal Emulator licenses are always on user level, we have concurrent and named user licenses. There are no licenses on device level available.
Harald Braeunlich
Senior Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 03-21-2024 06:01
From: debabrata Das
Subject: Rocket Emulator - License query
Are the licenses mapped at a user level or at a device level for the Rocket Emulator?
Since we have multiple users assigned to a single device - we want to know if that would be counted as 1 license, or it will be counted as multiple licenses for multiple users?
debabrata Das
Rocket Forum Shared Account