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Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-015 Released

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  • 1.  Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-015 Released

    Posted 02-01-2023 06:57
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    Product availability Matrix (PAM)
    Downloads of this patch are available from the Rocket Customer Support Portal.
    Further explanation can be found here.

    New Feature(s)

    • The online documentation is moved to a new portal: [] and can now be reached from the IDE using the help links or context sensitive help from your code editors (F1).


    UNI-17048Create Table Utility crashes if primary key of table only includes non-db fields
    UNI-13091SOP U2.0: Basic end-point authentication fails when password contains equal sign

    UNI-17048  -  Create Table Utility crashes if primary key of table only includes non-db fields

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-036, 10.4.02-015


    In case a table has one or more database fields (in version 10 "Is External"=True) and the primary key only consists of non-database fields (in version 10 "Is External"=False). If the user tries to generate a Create Table Script for such a table then Uniface will crash. The problem can be replicated with the Create Table Utility of Uniface 9 (and older) or the /genSql command line switch of version 10.


    +Uniface: All Versions
    +Operating System: OS independent
    +Database: MSS, DB2, MQL, PGS, and SLE




    This problem is solved.

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    UNI-13091  -  SOP U2.0: Basic end-point authentication fails when password contains equal sign

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.3.03-036, 10.4.02-015


    The SOAP U2.0 connector does not decode the password correctly when it contains an equal sign ('=') and the Basic authentication scheme is used. As a result the end-point authentication with the web server will fail.

    When using the basic authentication scheme (SOP connector option scheme=B) the end-point authentication with the web server will fail when the provided password includes an equal sign ('='). The generated Base64 value in the Authorization HTTP header is not correct.

    Consider the following scenario:

    The user 'user1' has the password 'abc='. This user is used to access a web service on a web server that uses the Basic authentication scheme:

    usys$sop_params = euser=user1, epass=abc=, scheme=B

    The SOAP connector will create the following Authorization HTTP header in the SOAP request:

    Authorization: Basic dXNlcjE6YQ==

    When decoding the Base64 value "dXNlcjE6YQ==" then the result is the "username:password"-pair "user1:a", instead of "user1:abc=".


    +Uniface: All Versions
    +Operating System: OS independent
    +Database: DBMS independent




    This problem is solved.

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