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Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-029 Released

  • 1.  Rocket Uniface 10.4.02-029 Released

    Posted 08-16-2023 04:19


    Product availability Matrix (PAM)
    Downloads of this patch are available from the Rocket Customer Support Portal.
    Further explanation can be found here.


    UNI-34236A call to a ProcScript function from within some ProcScript function sometimes fails with a <uprocerr_function> error.</uprocerr_function>
    UNI-34067Uninstalling RMS 10 from a Windows system may leave a key in the registry
    UNI-34010License error 'License File: 210133 - Fail to acquire resource lock' not handled properly

    UNI-34236  -  A call to a ProcScript function from within some ProcScript function sometimes fails with a <uprocerr_function> error.</uprocerr_function>

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-029


    When an entity-level operation calls a ProcScript function which calls another function, the second function call can fail with a <UPROCERR_FUNCTION> error.

    As an example, consider the following code in the Collection Script container of some entity:
    partner operation oper1
    call func1()

    function func1
    call func2()

    function func2
    message "Function func2 is being called"

    In a situation where collection operation oper1 is activated, the call to func2 fails with <UPROCERR_FUNCTION>.


    + Uniface version and higher
    + Platform: ALL




    This problem is solved.

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    UNI-34067  -  Uninstalling RMS 10 from a Windows system may leave a key in the registry

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-029


    When uninstalling the RMS 10 server from a Windows system is successful there may still be a key for it left under Uninstall. This causes Windows to think it is still installed and display it as an installed program, even though it is no longer on the system.


    +RMS 10.0
    +Operating System: Windows


    Remove the registry key under uninstall manually.


    The uninstallrms.ps1 script that takes care of returning cloud leased licenses and then uninstall RMS has been updated to also remove this registry key if the uninstallation was successful.

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    UNI-34010  -  License error 'License File: 210133 - Fail to acquire resource lock' not handled properly

    Solution available in patch(es):      10.4.02-029


    Error 210133 means that Sentinel was unable to acquire a lock on some resource because it is already locked. Such a lock is only temporary, so Uniface should retry the license login and not terminate.


    +Uniface: Version 10.3.02-061 (and higher), 10.4.01 (and higher)
    +Operating System: OS independent
    +Database: DBMS independent
    +License Configuration: Stand alone, both On-premise and CLoud leased.


    You can try to have fewer Uniface processes trying to use the license file at the same time. Other than that there is no workaround for this problem.


    Uniface will retry log-in to the license system immediately after receiving this error. If that fails again, Uniface will wait for half a second and then retry. If that fails again it will wait for one second and retry, and again for two seconds and retry. If after that time log-in to the license system still fails, Uniface will stop trying.

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