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- Add support for PostgreSQL 16 (PGS U1.8) on Windows, RedHat and Oracle Linux (LIF and LIG)
- Add support for Oracle Linux 9 (LIG)
UNI-35905 | The size of the uxTextField widget is not properly initialized, which could lead to inconsistency in the UI during a data update. |
UNI-35683 | UX widgets ux-TextField and ux-NumberField incorrectly propagate event for pressing enter key or clicking the change button when the change button is enabled; this should only happen when change button is not enabled. |
UNI-35438 | Uniface repository import fails with PGS/MSS drivers on Unix systems |
UNI-34004 | $componenttype creates a reference that is not released when component name is used |
UNI-33873 | Uniface does not try to reload component when using $TEST_MODE_COMPONENTS |
UNI-33192 | The UX widget's unblockUI() API function is sometimes called too early. |
UNI-28722 | Creating a glyph with a language code < 3 characters causes a PostgreSQL driver crash when using Unicode |
UNI-35905 - The size of the uxTextField widget is not properly initialized, which could lead to inconsistency in the UI during a data update.
Solution available in patch(es): 10.4.02-042
When the input field is updated (that is, if some action that updates the field's value or properties causes back-end ProcScript execution), the field's dataCleanup and dataUpdate functions are executed as a result. The dataCleanup function momentarily resets the field's size attribute to 20 as per standards. But an equivalent operation is not executed at field initialization (that is, through dataInit). This means that the order in which textfield size is updated during widget initialization is not the same as during widget update
+Uniface Version : 10.4.02
+Operating System : ALL
+Database : ALL
+Browsers : ALL
This problem is solved
UNI-35683 - UX widgets ux-TextField and ux-NumberField incorrectly propagate event for pressing enter key or clicking the change button when the change button is enabled; this should only happen when change button is not enabled.
Solution available in patch(es): 10.4.02-042
ux-Dialog automatically submits and updates value when the user presses the enter key or clicks change button when the change button is enabled for ux-TextField and ux-NumberField
+ Uniface Version : 10.4.02
+ Browser : Browser independent
+ Operating System : OS independent
+ Database : Database independent
This problem has been solved.
UNI-35438 - Uniface repository import fails with PGS/MSS drivers on Unix systems
Solution available in patch(es): 10.4.02-042
When importing the same record twice into the Uniface repository, Uniface will report an error "duplicate key value violates unique constraint uxfield_pk", this can cause Uniface to crash.
This happens when using the latest ODBC versions, like e.g.: PostgreSQL using 16.00.0000 on Redhat 8 for PostgreSQL version 15.
The problem is generic for ODBC drivers so can also be seen using e.g. MSS.
+Uniface Version : 10.4.02
+Operating System : UNIX
+Database : PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server
You can use an older ODBC client, like version 10.03.0000 for PGS.
This problem has been fixed.
UNI-34004 - $componenttype creates a reference that is not released when component name is used
Solution available in patch(es): 10.4.02-042
The function $componenttype is creating a component reference that is not released in case a component name (instead of the instance name) is used as input parameter instead of an instance name.
This will cause a problem when $TEST_MODE_COMPONENTS is used since any existing component definition is not dropped because the reference count of the component will never get to 0 even when all running instances of that component have been deleted. This issue mainly occurs when running a component through the WRD (e.g. DSPs, USPs, or web service components).
+Uniface: Version 10.4.02-001 (and higher)
+Operating System: OS independent
+Database: DBMS independent
This problem is solved.
UNI-33873 - Uniface does not try to reload component when using $TEST_MODE_COMPONENTS
Solution available in patch(es): 10.4.02-042
$TEST_MODE_COMPONENTS should enable Uniface to use the most up-to-date component when an application is running. This means that if a component is changed in the Uniface IDE and is compiled while the application it belongs to is running, the new component file should be immediately used without needing to restart the application.
This is not the case (anymore) when installing Uniface 10.3.02-062 (and higher), or 10.4.01-000 (and higher). In case component cannot be found within a session then Uniface will not try to reload it even when $TEST_MODE_COMPONENT is used. Only after restarting Uniface the newly created component can be used.
+Uniface: Version 10.3.02-062 (and higher), 10.4.01-000 (and higher)
+Operating System: OS independent
+Database: DBMS independent
This problem is solved.
UNI-33192 - The UX widget's unblockUI() API function is sometimes called too early.
Solution available in patch(es): 10.4.02-042
The UX widget's unblockUI() API function is sometimes called before the dataUpdate() API function, whereas dataUpdate() should be called earlier than unblockUI().
+ Uniface Version and higher
+ Operating System: OS independent
+ Database: DBMS independent
+ Browsers: Browser independent
This problem is solved
UNI-28722 - Creating a glyph with a language code < 3 characters causes a PostgreSQL driver crash when using Unicode
Solution available in patch(es): 10.4.02-042
When the primary key is defined as varchar, and the default charset is set to UTF-8, PostgreSQL will fail to retrieve data from overflow tables. Primary keys shorter than the maximum defined size suffer because Uniface padded the remaining characters with spaces.
After fixing, Uniface no longer adds trailing spaces to primary keys. For the existing record which has been stored to the table and overflow table, maintainers will have to erase any wrong occurrences that have trailing spaces in their primary keys, or update the wrong records to trim the whitespace using SQL's RTRIM().
+Uniface version: 10.4.02
+Operating system: ALL
+Database: PostgreSQL
1) Not using a VARCHAR primary key with overflow fields, like C*.
2) Not setting the default charset to UTF-8.
3) Using primary keys that are as long as their maximum defined capacity.
This bug is the same as UNI-29877.