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SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

  • 1.  SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-10-2024 11:57

    Suppose you have a file like TEMP that has NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE where NAME and ADDRESS are both single values but PHONE is multi value.

    Like so:

    TEMP..................... NAME...... ADDRESS... PHONE.....

    1                         NAME1      ADDRESS1   PHONE1
    2                         NAME2      ADDRESS2   PHONE2-1

    If you


    then you will get a list where each record supplies two items to the list, namely the NAME as one item and ADDRESS as another item:

    001 NAME1
    002 ADDRESS1
    003 NAME2
    004 ADDRESS2

    However, if you


    then you get at minimum 3 elements per item, but if PHONE happens to have mulitple values, no NAME or ADDRESS is supplied to go with each value.

    001 NAME1
    002 ADDRESS1
    003 PHONE1
    004 NAME2
    005 ADDRESS2
    006 PHONE2-1
    007 PHONE2-2
    008 PHONE2-3

    How can I get blanks inserted for NAME and ADDRESS when PHONE has multiple values?

    Can it be done?

    Tom Marracci
    General Manager
    Aircraft Spruce
    corona CA US

  • 2.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 04:31

    Hi Tom,

    To my knowledge, No.

    But for me, the deeper question is "What are you trying to achieve"?

    For me, a SELECT is to garner keys or foreign keys to be processed through some next step; which in the example you have makes little sense.

    Again, for me, this is doing exactly what I would expect the SELECT to do which is to list the values of each dictionary item per record; in the sequence stated across the command line.

    Perhaps the answer would lie in some form of exploded sort? I've never tried; but even it that works, I'm still curious as to why you want multiple fields returned in a single list?

    Can you elaborate, and maybe I'll learn something?


    David Knight
    Senior Software Engineer
    H3O Business Technologies Limited

  • 3.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 11:05

    Hi David,

    I was afraid of that.  I'm writing a generic CSV generator that takes any AQL statement, throws away unneeded like HEADING, TOTAL, and BREAK-ON, executes the specified select statement, and sends the resulting CSV formatted output to our terminal emulator which passes it off to Excel or whatever program is associated with CSV.  I could write it all in basic, except that many of our dictionary words use CALL to derive their output and I cannot call a function that makes use of the ACCESS function from within basic.  Without blanks as place holders, there is no way to know when one record ends and the next begins that I am aware of. I was hoping there was an option or some way to present the select so the output would be more strictly ordered.

    How does REFORMAT handle this situation? 


    Tom Marracci
    General Manager
    Aircraft Spruce
    corona CA US

  • 4.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 11:19
    Edited by Tom Marracci 04-11-2024 11:26

    REFORMAT gives the same results UNLESS controlling/dependent relationships are properly setup for multi values. Then it makes multi value results as you would expect.  This may represent an opportunity to make some sense of it.

    Tom Marracci
    General Manager
    Aircraft Spruce
    corona CA US

  • 5.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 11:36
    Edited by M Arcus1 04-11-2024 11:37

    Hi, Tom!

    I think your terminology may be confusing us, so let me tell you what I think you may be trying to do, and where it's going wrong.

    Your ultimate goal seems to be to download data from your D3 host to a local PC via capture or kermit or something like that.  Is that right?

    Also, you're trying to format that data prior to download into a .csv format that Excel can import directly, and represent as it would appear on a terminal when listing the file with NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, etc.  Right?

    And your problem becomes ... just guessing here ... getting the multivalue data to appear stacked, on its own row, in Excel, much as it would appear on the terminal using The Command Line.  Right?

    If so, then what you need to do is replace those value marks with CR (... or LF or both?) (I forget which.) just as you now replace your attribute marks with TAB ... AND double-quote those fields/attributes.  This causes Excel to stack those phone numbers (or whatever) inside a  single cell.

    Have I understood you correctly?

    Marcus Rhodes

  • 6.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 11:49

    Hi Marcus,

    The problem is well before the file ever gets to Excel.  

    For the sake of clarity, what I was hoping to get from the SELECT statement was the following:

    001 NAME1
    002 ADDRESS1
    003 PHONE1
    004 NAME2
    005 ADDRESS2
    006 PHONE2-1


    009 PHONE2-2


    012 PHONE2-3

    Lines 7,8 and 10,11 are the blanks that I would expect for NAME and ADDRESS when the value for PHONE is 2 or higher.  Instead, the SELECT processor outputs nothing when there are multi values mixed with non multi attributes.  The output processor handles this correctly when reports are generated, but if I try to use SELECT as a data processor and not a report processor, I get garbled results when multi values are present.

    I discovered through some testing that BY-EXP will correctly insert each single value as if it was part of the set so the data stays aligned which is helpful but will not always be the case for any and every report.  REFORMAT will do it correctly to a temp file but only if the controlling/dependent relationships (that's the C; and D; values on attribute 4 of the dictionary items) are defined which should be the case but, as you may well know, is not always there.  Otherwise, REFORMAT does the same as the SELECT method.

    Does that make sense?

    Tom Marracci
    General Manager
    Aircraft Spruce
    corona CA US

  • 7.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 11:59

    This is what I mean by terminology.  SELECT does nothing like what you describe.  SORT or LIST will.  Is that what you mean?

    Also I see only attributes, not multivalues; every datum is shown as occupying it's own attribute/field.  Where are the multivalues?

    Marcus Rhodes

  • 8.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 12:16


    In this example, the data would look like this:

    item id: 1

    001 NAME1

    002 ADDRESS1

    003 PHONE1

    item id: 2

    001 NAME2

    002 ADDRESS2

    003 PHONE2-1]PHONE2-2]PHONE2-3

    Let's say the file is called CUSTOMER.

    If you SELECT CUSTOMER NAME ADDRESS PHONE instead of a list of customers id's, you get the data for NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE.  The system will perform any correlatives, but NOT conversions. My program has to apply conversions to each data element before it is output.

    Simply put, assuming I know there are 3 fields per record then I could do something like:

    001 CNT = 0
    002 LOOP
    004 CNT += 1
    005 IF MOD(CNT,3) # 1 THEN PRINT ',':
    006 PRINT DATUM:
    007 IF MOD(CNT,3) = 0 THEN PRINT
    008 REPEAT

    But when the SELECT leaves out NAME and ADDRESS for multi valued PHONES, the data are now out of sync and this won't work.

    What I'm hoping to do if insert into our application, when directed by the user, a single instruction to use my new CSV program like a filter without changing the LIST or SORT statement in anyway.  Just reinterpret it to output a CSV file instead of a report.  Simple concept but made complex by multi values in the result set not leaving any placeholders.   Without them I'm having a difficult time finding a way to keep the data in order.

    Tom Marracci
    General Manager
    Aircraft Spruce
    corona CA US

  • 9.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 12:28

    Yeah ... no.  SELECT doesn't work the way you want it to.  You can select the records you want, and then print them to the screen/capture, but you can't blend the dictionary items into the SELECT command.  Well, you 'can', but you won't get what you seem to be aiming for.

    Try something like this:


    ! Start the capture!  (Using AccuTerm?)




             CRT CONVERT( THE_ITEM, @AM : @VM, TAB : ',' )


       END ELSE




    ! End the capture!

    Marcus Rhodes

  • 10.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 12:33


    I would do exactly that IF some of our dictionary items did not use CALL to produce the data.  Is there a way to call a subroutine that utilizes the ACCESS function from another basic program?

    Tom Marracci
    General Manager
    Aircraft Spruce
    corona CA US

  • 11.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 13:40

    Hi Tom,

    I think this should work




    The one possible draw back is that your resulting list will have values attached to each item indicating their "Value" level

    001 NAME1]0001
    002 ADDRESS1]0001
    003 PHONE1]0001
    004 NAME2]0001
    005 ADDRESS2]0001
    006 PHONE2-1]0001
    007 NAME2]0002
    008 ADDRESS2]0002
    009 PHONE2-2]0002
    010 NAME2]0003
    011 ADDRESS2]0003
    012 PHONE2-3]0003

    Hope this helps

    Lance McMillin
    Sr Programmer Analyst
    Health Advocates LLC
    Chatsworth CA US

  • 12.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 14:22

    Lance, I think you're right. BY-EXP appears to be the key

    Tom Marracci
    General Manager
    Aircraft Spruce
    corona CA US

  • 13.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 20:01

    Here's another reason I wanted SELECT to do the heavy lifting.  Without it, if I want to use AQL to define the data to select and output, then I have to emulate F, A, and CALL correlatives in basic as I cannot use them directly.  And any subroutine that uses the ACCESS function will have to be written and compiled on the fly since you are not permitted to assign values to ACCESS from a basic program that is not run from AQL.  The whole project gets muddier and muddier if SELECT can't do the work.  I thought BY-EXP would do the trick but it doesn't seem to give me all fields all the time in the right order. I still get unassigned fields and thus the resulting columns are mangled.

    Tom Marracci
    General Manager
    Aircraft Spruce
    corona CA US

  • 14.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-11-2024 22:01


    I don't believe you have described the scope of the project you are trying to accomplish.

    Given a bit more detail regarding both the data elements (examples where data is missing or not) and what your output should look like, the group may be able to offer other suggestions.

    Past experience has shown that using BY-EXP is tricky/complicated especially when trying to sort the data correctly.

    Lance McMillin
    Sr Programmer Analyst
    Health Advocates LLC
    Chatsworth CA US

  • 15.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-12-2024 05:05

    Hi Tom,

    I think I understand what you are doing; and why you want to use SELECT; but it simply will not work. If I am correct; you want a generic version that shall always work even if you do not know what type of dictionary item is involved in the ACCESS sentence; AND you want the resultant value of that item so it can be manipulated; but you need those values in some structured manner.

    What you were hoping for was since SELECT returns all the values of all the fields you hoped it would be structured as well. Sadly; it is not. It is dead-end.

    However, all is not lost since you can run any tcl sentence and capture the output. A bit like screen-scraping, if you will. Therefore  issues like CALLs, conversions, correlatives etc become moot. Check the manual for the right modifiers to use on your TCL command but one way [which I agree would be slow, but maybe that's ok] would be to capture the output of each dictionary item singly; for each d3 record you are processing.

    I've done this before; but shall not write the code for you but in essence you need two things:

    1. A list of record keys; and
    2. A list of dictionary names you need per record.

    Your routine would loop through the record keys; and then loop through the dictionary names you want executing a like: LIST <filename> '<recordkey>' <dictionaryname> (<suitable options to suppress everything except the data field>. Of course that would be executed and CAPTUREd where the capture would contain the resulting data. You would have to examine it for mv's; and work out the necessary EXCEL bits so it will appear as a list in Excel.

    Conceptually; you could do that all in the one EXECUTE I suppose; parsing it for the various output per dictionary 'column'.

    But the method described should get you close.

    System's like Quovadox's Hostaccess provide rotuines for d3 and handle of this for you; which is another solution. Perhaps contact them? Google RogueWave. I expect a bunch of other Terminal Emulators would do the same. Accuterm - I'm looking at you.

    So my final comment is: perhaps you are trying to re-invent the wheel; when an off-the-shelf product could save you grief?

    Let me know how you go.

    Or maybe I'm on the wrong track???


    David Knight
    Senior Software Engineer
    H3O Business Technologies Limited

  • 16.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-12-2024 11:11


    You hit the nail on the head. That is exactly what I'm trying to do.  We use our own inhouse terminal emulator so I need the output presented in a specific way that meets our own protocols.  I think my only path to success to do what I want is use SELECT to get the items and process correlatives and conversions in basic.  The current method works great when there are no multi values.  That's the only real kicker.

    I've written other compilers.   I can write one more to prepare A correlatives and a runtime to process each record with the compiled program. 

    Tom Marracci
    General Manager
    Aircraft Spruce
    corona CA US

  • 17.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-12-2024 10:41


    This will give a list with the key and the seq of phone.

    A record with 3 phones will be 3 times on the selected list KEY,SEQ (SEQ being the subvalue number)

    Frank Diaz
    Compucot Inc
    Doral FL US

  • 18.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-12-2024 12:53


    Assuming this: 


    With normal output looking like this:

    Are you hoping to have the data look like this in Excel?

    Option 1

    or this:

    Option 2

    or this:

    Option 3

    or this as tab delimited text file:

    Lance McMillin
    Sr Programmer Analyst
    Health Advocates LLC
    Chatsworth CA US

  • 19.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-12-2024 13:16

    Hi Lance,

    I would be looking for option 1, the output that most closely matches the printed report.  ID-SUPP should give option 2.  Delimiter doesn't really matter here. I'm using comma (,) with quotes (") where required per the CSV standards.

    Tom Marracci
    General Manager
    Aircraft Spruce
    corona CA US

  • 20.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-12-2024 13:45
    Edited by Lance McMillin 04-15-2024 15:17

    Post edited to delete content.

  • 21.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-14-2024 21:40
    Edited by Peter Cheney 04-14-2024 21:40

    Hi Tom,

    One way I can think of is to use an I-Type dictionary to remove the multivalues in the phone attribute and replace it with some other character such as '|'

    0001: I
    0002: change(@record<3>,@vm,'|')
    0004: PHONE2
    0005: 30L
    0006: S

    Then your select list would end up like this:

    0001: NAME1
    0002: ADDRESS1
    0003: PHONE1
    0004: NAME2
    0005: ADDRESS2
    0006: PHONE2-1|PHONE2-2|PHONE2-3

    If you're wanting to consume it with excel then perhaps also consider converting it to a csv using EVAL?


    Resulting in

    0001: 1,NAME1,ADDRESS1,PHONE1
    0002: 2,NAME2,ADDRESS2,PHONE2-1|PHONE2-2|PHONE2-3


    Peter Cheney
    Developer and Systems Superstar
    Brisbane Qld Australia

  • 22.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-16-2024 11:36

    Peter, Unfortunately, we don't have I-type descriptors in D3.

    However, for anyone interested in the real solution, D3 does have a way to create tab delimited report data and respects multivalue properly.

    Copy the LIST and/or SORT verbs to new items, say TABLIST and TABSORT.  Edit the new item and add 53 to the multi valued list of modes on attribute 2.  For D3/Linux 10.2, that would look like:

    001 va
    002 aa]57]53
    003 b
    eoi 003
    [220] 'TABLIST' exited
    001 va
    002 aa]5d]53
    003 b
    eoi 003

    Now using these commands instead will produce tab delimited data with multi values already separated and I can manipulate the data as need to produce the output however I want.

    Tom Marracci
    General Manager
    Aircraft Spruce
    corona CA US

  • 23.  RE: SELECT fields into a list with some multivalues

    Posted 04-17-2024 07:16

    Tom, that is super cool.  Do you know if it works with break-on and det-supp?

    bruce Ackman
    Vice President
    Lewis Supply Co Inc
    Richmond VA US