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  • 1.  $ude clean

    Posted 01-26-2023 06:37
    Hello All

    Is there an option to have an $ude clean or a $ude import component with a clean option.  
    If not, could it be something to add for the future?

    The problem is, if you import a component, you will always need to clean it for ghost fields.

    The workaround is a 'delete' and then an 'import'; assuming the imported is already correct.


    Osman Shariff

  • 2.  RE: $ude clean

    Posted 01-26-2023 06:47
    Hello Osman,

    There is a cleanup operation for $ude, but it is not documented (yet). At this moment I do not know the exact reason for this, but this will work:

    vResult = $ude("cleanup", "component", "mycomponent")

    This is the same as executing the ide command line: /cln mycomponent

    In case you would use the Work Area Support Utility (or something similar) then objects are deleted automatically before new sources are imported.

    I hope this helps.

    Daniel Iseli
    Principal Technical Support Engineer
    Uniface Services
    Rocket Software, Switzerland

  • 3.  RE: $ude clean

    Posted 01-26-2023 07:36
    Thanks Daniel

    That saved a lot of messy code, especially as ude-delete does not as I expected delete the source code.

    Osman Shariff

  • 4.  RE: $ude clean

    Posted 01-26-2023 07:55
    Thanks Osman. And you are welcome.

    The documentation of $ude ("delete") is quit clear, I think. It says: "Delete a symbol table or script listing, or a resource (compiled runtime object) on the $RSO path." There is nothing mentioned about source code.

    I hope this clarifies this matter.

    Daniel Iseli
    Principal Technical Support Engineer
    Uniface Services
    Rocket Software, Switzerland

  • 5.  RE: $ude clean

    Posted 01-26-2023 07:59
    Edited by Osman Shariff 01-26-2023 07:59
    Yep Daniel... it was an assumption on my part. 

    I am assuming the work area support uses something outside of uniface to do the deleting?

    Osman Shariff

  • 6.  RE: $ude clean

    Posted 01-26-2023 08:03
    Okay, thanks for clarifying.

    And the work area support uses normal Uniface functionality to delete the (main development) objects. Not really different from what the IDE is doing when you are deleting something in an Editor.

    Daniel Iseli
    Principal Technical Support Engineer
    Uniface Services
    Rocket Software, Switzerland

  • 7.  RE: $ude clean

    Posted 01-26-2023 08:19
    Is that functionality available for us to use... what is the command?

    Osman Shariff

  • 8.  RE: $ude clean

    Posted 01-26-2023 08:50
    Sure. At its core the IDE is just a "normal" Uniface application that uses ProcScript statements such as (e.g.) remocc.

    Daniel Iseli
    Principal Technical Support Engineer
    Uniface Services
    Rocket Software, Switzerland

  • 9.  RE: $ude clean

    Posted 01-26-2023 11:22
    Thanks... Got it, Cheers

    Osman Shariff