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  • 1.  Universe 11.3.5 vs 12 upgrade from 11.3.1

    Posted 02-01-2023 22:38
    We are reviewing the effort vs the benefits with upgrading our current 11.3.1 Universe.
    Can anyone highlight the effort vs the benefits with such an upgrade pathway?

    [Darren] [Johnson] [Australia]
    [Snr Dev Engineer]
    [Brisbane] [QLD] [Australia]

  • 2.  RE: Universe 11.3.5 vs 12 upgrade from 11.3.1

    Posted 02-02-2023 11:52

    11.3.1 to 11.3.5 is classical upgrade.
    11 to 12 is not a problem- it run like a charm.
    You can be disturbed by uvconfig, but if you read carefully the docs you understand it's all internal impact. link to the doc uv 12.2.1 docs
    - If you go without RFS, there is no real difference (from 12.2).
    - If you go with RFS, you have to learn it's admin/runtime. uv rfs docs
    If you run large system/number-of-users, build a second server and learn by doing. 

    ! some verb, like LIST.READU, output information with different structure/info.
    at runtime (basic, uniquery, ... ) I see no trouble. 

    you can ask rocket to receive a 'try&test' activation to have a look before switching your main sysid. 

    I hope this help

    manu fernandes

  • 3.  RE: Universe 11.3.5 vs 12 upgrade from 11.3.1

    Posted 02-02-2023 17:42
    A few things I would consider:
    • Is there a critical feature/functionality/security that you need that is only available in a later release?
    • Is there some unresolved bug in 11.3.1 that is fixed in a later release?
    • Is your current OS supported by the later release or do you need to upgrade that too?
    • Does your business have a policy of maintaining systems to the latest GA version? 
    For me, the first two points would result in a definite yes while point 3 would likely require a bit more planning to ensure continuity of services.

    Hope this helps.

    Peter Cheney
    Developer and Systems Superstar
    Brisbane Qld Australia

  • 4.  RE: Universe 11.3.5 vs 12 upgrade from 11.3.1

    Posted 02-02-2023 19:10
    Thanks all, good points to takeaway & review our Upgrade Roadmap

    [Darren] [Johnson] [Australia]
    [Snr Dev Engineer]
    [Brisbane] [QLD] [Australia]

  • 5.  RE: Universe 11.3.5 vs 12 upgrade from 11.3.1

    Posted 02-02-2023 19:35
    I recommend reviewing the SYSTEM BUFFER setting in the release notices, and if you use the SYSTEM BUFFER please review the command reference guide for 'uvunload' as mandatory reading.



    John Jenkins
    Thame, Oxfordshire