Rocket U2 | UniVerse & UniData

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  • 1.  UniVerse 11.4.1 Release Now Available!!

    Posted 08-23-2023 16:34

    Introducing UniVerse 11.4.1 – Unleash the Latest New Features!

    The Rocket MV team is pleased to announce the release of UniVerse 11.4.1 on August 17th,  2023. 

    UniVerse 11.4.1, along with MVX Performance 1.7.0, provides an enhanced replication experience, bolstering High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) capabilities.

    ·       UniVerse 11.4.1 HA/DR enhancements and bug fixes help you manage your replication environment more effectively:

    o   Utilize the Replication Intelligent Queue Manager in version 11.4 whichallows a subscribing system to recognize multiple updates in the queue for the same file, significantly enhancing performance

    o   Enable subscribers to receive logs from older protocol levels. This facilitates testing of a newer release of UniVerse on a subscriber while maintaining production on an older release

    o   Leverage the new uv_repadmin option to facilitate recovery from stalled subscriber groups

    ·       MVX Performance 1.7.0 integration with UniVerse 11.4.1 provides insight into your HA/DR environment with five new replication events:

    o   Replication Log Size event alerts you when replication is slow and not keeping pace, which contributes to an expansive log size.

    o   Replication pacing event alerts you when the subscriber is not keeping up with the publisher so you can investigate and resolve issues

    o   Replication Subscriber Lag event alerts you when the replication subscriber lag time exceeds three minutes

    o   Replication Suspended event alerts you when replication has been suspended by the user or from some error allowing you to take appropriate action to re-enable replication

    o   Replication Subscriber Stuck event alerts you when your replication processing has stopped and provides details on the LSN that will need to be skipped or resolved to continue replication

    Additionally, UniVerse 11.4.1 contains numerous enhancements and bug fixes designed to optimize your MV experience.

    ·       Use UV BASIC Profiling to conduct in-depth application performance analysis. Gain insights into bottlenecks and areas for performance enhancement within your applications

    ·       The  Dictionary Compiler upgrade now supports many BASIC functions such as NOW(), TODATETIME(), TODATE(), TOTIME(), and CHANGE() in I-type expressions

    ·       The OpenSSL v3.0 upgrade features support for a wide array of protocol levels

    ·       Plus, UniVers 11.4.1 contains  over 80 bug fixes and 50 enhancements to optimize your UniVerse experience

    Top of Form

    Upgrade now to Rocket® UniVerse 11.4.1.  Our team is eager to assist you with any questions or support you may need during the upgrade process.  If you are currently on maintenance, you can download Rocket UniVerse 11.4.1 on Rocket Business Connect (RBC).  If you do not have an active maintenance contract, please contact our sales team to get started!

    Want to learn more?  UniVerse 11.4.1 documentation is now available online.

    Rocket MultiValue maintains a standard Product Lifecycle policy.  To view the lifecycle for your version of UniVerse and related tools, review the lifecycle dates and statuses on the Product Availability Matrix (PAM).

    Christine Rizza
    Sr. MV Product Manager
    Rocket Software

  • 2.  RE: UniVerse 11.4.1 Release Now Available!!

    Posted 09-07-2023 20:04

    Please advise where its available?

    Daniel Conradie
    Rocket Forum Shared Account

  • 3.  RE: UniVerse 11.4.1 Release Now Available!!

    Posted 09-08-2023 04:02


    You need to order it, in the same way you order all products. If your support is direct with Rocket you can order it through RBC, just contact your RBC administrator in your company. If you get your support through a third party then you'll need to contact the third party to order it for you.


    Jonathan Smith
    UniData ATS
    Rocket Support