Rocket U2 | UniVerse & UniData

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  • 1.  UniVerse 12.2.1, U2 DB Tools 4.5.0 and U2 Common Clients 5.3.0 have landed!!

    Posted 10-18-2022 14:17

    The Rocket MultiValue team is very excited to announce the release of UniVerse 12.2.1, U2 DB Tools 4.5.0 and U2 Common Clients 5.3.0 on October 18th, 2022. 

    UniVerse has always been efficient and inexpensive to operate delivering a quality data application server that powers thousands of business-critical operations across numerous industries. UniVerse 12 brings with it the ability to handle heavy workloads and reduce the risk of file corruption.  With the two-process architecture of UniVerse 12, customers will see accelerated transaction performance and improved data integrity. 

    UniVerse 12.2.1 is beta group and focus group tested and is now "ready for release"

    UniVerse 12.2.1 adds many new features to an already feature rich UniVerse 12 and is beta and focus group tested to ensure the quality and standards meet our customers' expectations.  Two key new features are the 3rd mode (system buffer on/off) for enhanced usability and UV BASIC Profiling for application performance analysis.

    System Buffer On/Off – Understanding that some customers do not have a need for running the recoverable file system (RFS) and want to take advantage of some of the new functionality in UV 12 we have added the ability to upgrade and run in single-process mode.  With the system buffer off, the recoverable file system (RFS) functionality is disabled, and you will see performance similar to previous versions of UniVerse.

    UV BASIC Profiling – This new feature provides application performance analysis and insight to help you determine bottlenecks and performance improvement areas in your applications.  BASIC Profiling has two profiling process control methods, two profiling data formats, and two methods of measurement. 

    And that's not all!  UniVerse 12.2.1 contains 110 enhancements and 346 bug fixes including:

    • Features that bring v12.2.1 in sync with v11.3:
      • Python v3.9 upgrade
      • Preserve Python modules and path files
      • OpenSSL upgrade to v1.1.1n (TLSv1.3 support)
      • UTC Datetime support
      • Geospatial enhancements
      • Replication of sequential I/O
    • RHEL 8 certification & RHEL 8 FIPS support
    • BASIC compiler directive
    • UVNET access to 12.2.1 from 11.3.x

    More about the tools

    In conjunction with the UV 12.2.1 release we are also releasing the U2 DB Tools 4.5.0 and U2 Common Clients 5.3.0 data server tools.  We've certified both tools on UV 11.3.3+, 12.2.1+, and UniData 8.2.3+ and the tools have numerous enhancements and fixes including:

    U2 DB Tools 4.5.0:

    • EDA enhancements and EDA Schema Manger support for MySQL and PostgreSQL
    • TLS v1.3 support

    U2 Common Clients 5.3.0:

    • OpenSSL 1.1.1n & TLS v1.3 support
    • JDBC support for Java 9 and higher
    • Addition of TIMESTAMP SQL data type


    Learn more in the release notes

    You can find more details on enhancements and fixes in these products on RBC at:

    UniVerse 12.2.1 Release Notes

    U2 DB Tools 4.5.0 Release Notes

    U2 Common Clients 5.3.0 Release Notes 

    UniVerse 12.2.1 FAQ PDF

    Have more questions on UniVerse 12.2.1?  We may have already answered your question!  Check out the UniVerse 12.2.1 FAQ in the Rocket MV Forum under Roadmaps & Related Documents.

    Download UniVerse 12.2.1 and the U2 data server tools today on the Rocket Business Connect (RBC)

    Christine Rizza
    MV Product Manager
    Rocket Software

  • 2.  RE: UniVerse 12.2.1, U2 DB Tools 4.5.0 and U2 Common Clients 5.3.0 have landed!!

    Posted 10-26-2022 09:45
    Edited by Doug Chanco 10-26-2022 10:25
    are there trial version available?

    Doug Chanco
    Universe Programmer
    Self Registered
    graham NC US

  • 3.  RE: UniVerse 12.2.1, U2 DB Tools 4.5.0 and U2 Common Clients 5.3.0 have landed!!

    Posted 01-05-2023 16:56
         ok so what's the deal with BDT (basic developer toolkit) I keep hearing conflicting "reports" .....

    one its being replaced by vscode and that all the rocket developers love vscode and are using it to develop and that BDT is going by the wayside
    then I hear no that its actively being supported and its not going anywhere 

    which is it or it the truth a little in both statements?



    Doug Chanco
    Universe Programmer
    Self Registered
    graham NC US

  • 4.  RE: UniVerse 12.2.1, U2 DB Tools 4.5.0 and U2 Common Clients 5.3.0 have landed!!

    Posted 01-06-2023 06:44


    The plugin for visual studio code is being actively developed and is should be considered the way forward for the future, whereas BDT is not. Both are still actively supported and any critical bugs in BDT will be fixed. The visual studio code plugin still lacks some of the key elements of functionality and ease of use that BDT provides and that customers would expect to find in the visual studio code plugin to allow for a easy and seamless transition and until that happens support for and BDT itself will continue for the foreseeable future. In terms of my usage of the tools internally I swap between both depending upon the environment I am working in.



    Jonathan Smith
    UniData ATS
    Rocket Support

  • 5.  RE: UniVerse 12.2.1, U2 DB Tools 4.5.0 and U2 Common Clients 5.3.0 have landed!!

    Posted 01-06-2023 12:26
    thank you for the reply, one question I assume the plugin will NOT be free?

    Doug Chanco
    Universe Programmer
    Self Registered
    graham NC US

  • 6.  RE: UniVerse 12.2.1, U2 DB Tools 4.5.0 and U2 Common Clients 5.3.0 have landed!!

    Posted 01-06-2023 12:31
    Hi Doug,

    INCORRECT it is free !   

    Rocket MV BASIC for VS code is a free Visual Studio Code Extension created by Rocket Software. The purpose of this extension is to enable BASIC developers to develop MV BASIC applications in one of the most popular development platforms- Microsoft Visual Studio Code. Rocket MV BASIC for VS code provides users with an exceptional editing experience.

    And it can be downloaded from the Visual Studio Market Place now.


    Jonathan Smith
    UniData ATS
    Rocket Support

  • 7.  RE: UniVerse 12.2.1, U2 DB Tools 4.5.0 and U2 Common Clients 5.3.0 have landed!!

    Posted 11-03-2023 16:44

    I'm curious about the Dynamic Connect terminal emulator.  It seems to do all we need, but it does not have a secure connection option that I can see, just telnet.  Are there any plans to have an SSH option?

    Ken Harker
    IT Manager
    General Wax
    North Hollywood CA US

  • 8.  RE: UniVerse 12.2.1, U2 DB Tools 4.5.0 and U2 Common Clients 5.3.0 have landed!!

    Posted 11-04-2023 20:02


    SSH is available in wIntegrate, Dynamic Connect is basically a cut-down wIntegrate without the scripting and extended features.

    If you do not wish to purchase wIntegrate you may find SSH port forwarding a useful method of passing  local TELNET data into an SSH connection to the server.



    John Jenkins
    Thame, Oxfordshire