Hello Aaron,
You're right, ist like riding a Bike, and at the Moment I miss nothing from the .net Ecosystem.
We are already on SB/XA, sorry for beeing unclear in this part but for me it's nearly the same :-)
The most of our Screens running in CHAR on Sbclient with some GUI Screens where needed.
Yes, we are already considering a modernization of our software, especially in the UI area, and we are already trying to contact other users who are ahead of us in this area. But at the moment this is not prio 1 and I guess we don't will change all Screens.
best regards
Thomas Ludwig
System Builder Developer
Rocket Forum Shared Account
Original Message:
Sent: 09-19-2023 07:14
From: Aaron Glover
Subject: Want to say hello to the Forum.
Welcome Back!
Is it like riding a bike, or are you missing the richness and eco system of .NET and alike?
Is the SB+ App.running in GUI or CHAR? Any plans to consider SB/XA ? Any decided Modernisation strategy? MVIS?
Aaron Glover
Original Message:
Sent: 09-18-2023 09:16
From: Thomas Ludwig
Subject: Want to say hello to the Forum.
Hi all,
I want to say hello because I'm back to the MV-World after about 20 years of break in programming .net and others..
Formerly I was mainly a SB+ Developer in AP/Native / Advanced Pick and a litte Universe.
I created an ERP-System as self employed with a Partner and for some reason stopped self employment.
All the Time I supported one of my old customers in part time who is using my ERP System.
The customer growed over the years and now i hired at this customer full time.
We use Universe and still SB+
I guess I will have a few questions and post them here in the forum, but also try to help answering others (if possible)
Thomas Ludwig (Lüdi)
System Builder Developer
Rocket Forum Shared Account