Rocket Terminal Emulator

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 Help with Print Multiple Screen issue

Michael Hlusak's profile image
Michael Hlusak posted 11-17-2021 15:51

We are having an issue inside of FILE=>Print Multiple Screens. We are choosing a specific file location, by pressing the BROWSE button. We are picking a path on a shared drive, then naming the text file (in the windows pop-up file explorer). After this, I press SAVE on the file explorer and Rocket closes and quits every time. 

The location we are choosing has a very long path. We are able to save on our shared drive with shorter paths though. 

(this is an example very similar the to actual path, using the the same Chars)

M:\MA\S & TST\Overfish\Testing\Testing These\Folder's over Testing by year\over 01-0101 Testing this\T1999\OverTesting B (11119C)

*extra credit: is there a way to add a toolbar button that would append the screen to the current text file path? (without opening FILE=>Print Multiple Screens)  Thanks!!

Son Pham's profile image
Hi Michael,
Does BlueZone / Rocket TE crash with any error messages when it closes or quits? Could you please confirm the version of BlueZone / Rocket TE you are running by choosing Help -> About BlueZone / Rocket TE....?

There is not way to add the option, "Append Data to File" as a toolbar button, however, we will review this request and possibly to add it to our enhancement's list for future consideration.
Michael Hlusak's profile image
Michael Hlusak
Hi Son, 

This is the error that appears.

and here is the version 

Thank you!
Son Pham's profile image
I was not able to replicate this issue against Rocket TE 10.1. Please try upgrading to the latest version of Rocket TE (10.1.2), and if the issue persists, please submit a support case by visiting our Rocket Community Portal site.
Zhi Li's profile image
Hello Michael, 

Thanks for reporting this. I can reproduce this crash. The root cause is that the long path caused some buffer overrun. We will fix this in some hotfix and 10.1.3 - next major release.
