Rocket U2 | UniVerse & UniData

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  • 1.  Python package management.

    Posted 11-18-2021 20:22
    Is there a best practice way to version python packages between production and testing UniData accounts on the same server? The .pth files load in the same order regardless of which account a user is in (which makes sense), and relative paths + environmental variables don't seem to be supported in .pth. Was hoping to be able to make and test changes to a package in a directory under the testing account and move to the production account only when ready, possibly updating a production package. Separate servers, while desirable, in not possible right now.

    Charles Sasaki-Skopp
    IT Coordinator/Developer
    Albany OR US

  • 2.  RE: Python package management.

    Posted 11-19-2021 13:44
    Edited by Mike Rajkowski 11-19-2021 13:58

    Mike Rajkowski
    Rocket Internal - All Brands