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UniData on Windows - Microsoft Security Patch can result in print jobs to local ports failing

  • 1.  UniData on Windows - Microsoft Security Patch can result in print jobs to local ports failing

    Posted 03-10-2021 05:46
    Edited by Jonathan Smith 03-11-2021 03:40

    For 32-Bit versions of UniData running on a 64-Bit version of Windows (i.e., prior to UniData 8) UDT.OPTIONS 116 was added to overcome a delay of around 60 seconds when executing the SETPTR with the DEST or AT options. The effect of turning UDT.OPTIONS 116 ON changes the user ID running the command to SYSTEM, as Spooler functions run faster as a SYSTEM user. After the spooler function completes, UniData switches back to the original user ID.

    UDT.OPTIONS 116 should not be needed for 64-Bit versions of UniData. If you were previously running 7.2 or 7.3 versions of UniData and have upgraded to 8.2 you may have UDT.OPTIONS 116 ON to avoid the problem. Until a recent round of Windows updates leaving UDT.OPTIONS 116 ON was not problematic on a 64-Bit version of UniData other than all the print jobs that were created would be owned by SYSTEM not by the user that created them.

    The following two articles discuss the change that Microsoft has made in the latest security patches.

    So, what does this mean for UniData I hear you asking. If you have a printer assigned to a local port within windows (such as using a port to print directly to a file) with UDT.OPTIONS 116 ON and the latest Microsoft patches installed, you will no longer be able to print to that port. Setting UDT.OPTIONS 116 to OFF should correct the problem.

    Jonathan Smith
    UniData ATS and Principal Engineer
    Rocket Software