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PHP 7 character set issues

  • 1.  PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-05-2017 06:35

    Hi. I’ve encountered a couple of issues with the handling of ASCII and EBCDIC in PHP 7 (these examples work correctly in PHP 5). I have PHP 7 CGIs working successfully using the requires environment variables and IHS definitions but these specific situations don’t seem to correctly handle the conversion of character sets.

    The first is the exec() function. This can return an array of output generated by the externally called program. I have a PHP script calling a REXX script with the REXX returning multiple lines of output via the SAY statement. When the output arrives back to PHP it appears to be ASCII encoded EBCDIC and the array is not correctly populated.

    Here is the PHP script called exec1:

     $p=" | iconv -f IBM-1047 -t ISO8859-1";
    exec("./exec2 input one".$p,$output,$rc);
    echo "RC=$rc";
    echo "<br />output[0]=".$output[0];
    echo "<br />output[1]=".$output[1];
    echo "<br />output[2]=".$output[2];
    echo "<br />output[0]=".iconv("IBM-1047","ISO8859-1",$output[0]);
    echo "<br />output[1]=".iconv("IBM-1047","ISO8859-1",$output[1]);
    echo "<br />output[2]=".iconv("IBM-1047","ISO8859-1",$output[2]);

    Here is the external REXX called exec2:

    parse arg in
    say "hello world"
    say in
    say "last line"
    exit 4

    Navigating to exec1 in the browser shows that all of the exec2 output lines are placed as a single string in the first element of array $output and the string is EBCDIC so doesn’t display very well. Adding query string exec1?conv=yes passes exec2 output through iconv and $output is then populated correctly (this is not a very good solution). It seems as though the exec() function isn’t handling character conversion correctly as the output generated by REXX exec2 is EBCDIC.

    The second situation involves POSTing form data back to the PHP script. It is also coming back as EBCDIC (probably due to IHS processing) and consequently the PHP $_POST superglobal is not populated correctly. Here is an example PHP script called testpost:

    echo "<form action=\"$cginame\" method=\"post\" name=\"form1\">\n";
    echo "<br /><strong>Edit1:</strong>";
    echo "<input type=\"text\" value=\"".$_POST["edit1"]."\" ".
         "name=\"edit1\" size=\"20\">\n";
    echo "<br /><strong>Edit2:</strong>";
    echo "<input type=\"text\" value=\"".$_POST["edit2"]."\" ".
         "name=\"edit2\" size=\"20\">\n";
    echo "<br /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Refresh\" name=\"refresh\">\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    echo "<br />Edit1: ".$_POST["edit1"];
    echo "<br />Edit2: ".$_POST["edit2"];
    echo "<br />";
    foreach($_POST as $n=>$v)
     echo "<br />".iconv("IBM-1047","ISO8859-1",$n).",$v";

    It’s not beautiful to look at but when run in the browser it shows that $_POST contains all of the variable information as a single string in a single array element. The script also passes $_POST through iconv to show that the data is actually EBCDIC by converting it to ASCII.

    It’s most likely that something is misconfigured somewhere but it’s not clear what that might be so any guidance is appreciated.


  • 2.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-11-2017 16:29

    I’m not able to easily test your second case. I was able to run your first case, though, from the USS command line (not by navigating to the file in a browser). Here’s the output I received (with newlines added for readability):

     X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.5
     Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
     RC=4<br />
     output[0]=hello world<br />
     output[1]=input one<br />
     output[2]=last line<br />
     output[0]=\150\145%%?\040\167?\162%\144<br />
     output[1]=\151>\160\165\164\040?>\145<br />

    Is this what you get if you run this from the command line?

    Can you please provide the output of php --version? Here’s what I get:

     bash-4.3$ php --version
     PHP 7.0.5 (cli) (built: Jun 19 2017 12:14:11) ( NTS )
     Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
     Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies

  • 3.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-11-2017 23:51

    Jerry, I’m a colleague of Richard.

    $php --version
    PHP 7.0.5 (cli) (built: Jun 13 2017 21:46:49) ( NTS )
    Copyright © 1997-2016 The PHP Group
    Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright © 1998-2016 Zend Technologies

    VERSION.ZOS shows
    Tool: php
    Version: 7.0.5
    Build Number: 012

    Did I miss a newer version to download?

    – Manfred

  • 4.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-12-2017 08:41

    12 is actual build.
    Could you provide the output when you run exec1 from the USS command line?

  • 5.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-12-2017 09:02

    It looks like my test was run against an “in-progress” version, not the latest released version. My apologies.

  • 6.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-12-2017 10:03

    Just suggestion,
    exec1 has ASCII encoding, exec2 - EBCDIC ?

  • 7.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-12-2017 10:22

    Internal ticket is created USSP-855

  • 8.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-12-2017 10:44

    When I execute exec1 from an OMVS command line I get similar output to what I see in the browser so this is consistent. Note that the CGI_ environment variables are configured the same in both environments so I would expect this (both are set to EBCDIC). Both file exec1 and file exec2 contain EBCDIC and neither file is tagged. I tried changing the tagging but this didn’t affect the output.

    This is the OMVS command line output I see when invoking exec1 without arguments:

    X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.5                                                                                     
    Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8                                                                      
    RC=4<br />output[0]=-                                                                                       
                                                    -<br />output[1]=<br />output[2]=<br />output[0]=hello world
    input one                                                                                                   
    last line                                                                                                   
    <br />output[1]=<br />output[2]=

    If I invoke as “exec1 conv=yes” then the following is displayed:

    X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.5                                                                                                             
    Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8                                                                                              
    RC=0<br />output[0]=hello world<br />output[1]=input one<br />output[2]=last line<br />output[0]=ÇÁ%%?-Ï?Ê%À<br />output[1]=Ñ>øÍÈ-?>
    Á<br />output[2]=%/ËÈ-%Ñ>Á

    This result seems to indicate that the PHP script can not handle the EBCDIC output generated by the externally called REXX. This scenario worked correctly in PHP 5.

    The second example displays a simple form in the browser and POSTs the query string back to itself. It’s very basic and yet it seems that PHP is unable to translate the returned data correctly. Most likely this is due to translation performed by Apache. Once again this scenario worked correctly in PHP 5.

    The output for php --version is the same as documented by Manfred.

    Thanks for raising the internal ticket Tatyana. I can’t log in to see it’s content so is there some way I can track it?


  • 9.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-13-2017 01:05

    Hi Richard,

    Could you try to add the directive to httpd.conf:


    Then restart server.
    Internal ticket is for our usage.

  • 10.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-13-2017 01:32

    Tatyana, the SetEnv _BPXK_AUTOCVT ON statement is already present in the httpd.conf file for the IHS. This was required to enable PHP to read the php.ini file as it is tagged as EBCDIC. Richard.

  • 11.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-13-2017 04:01

    Hi Tatyana, additionally to what Richard said.

    If the php.ini (whose content is IBM-1047) were not tagged as IBM-1047 then php would assume that the php.ini is ASCII. So it seems that the tagging of php.ini (in case it is IBM-1047) is required, and thus:


    is required as well.

  • 12.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-13-2017 05:21

    Could you provide your httpd.conf?

  • 13.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-13-2017 11:23

    Tayana, as Richard said his httpd.conf configuration is pretty complicated. I have a test system where the httpd.conf is considerably simpler.

    Let’s do like follows: I will try to make a minimal httpd.conf on my test httpd server and provide it. I’ll try to do it some time this week. Then you have something to feed the httpd server on your system.

    – Manfred

  • 14.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-13-2017 06:04

    Our httpd.conf is split over multiple files and includes variables defined in envvars files. Probably not too convenient to post them here so can I send them to you some other way?

    By the way, were you able to reproduce the issues using the examples that I provided? If you can reproduce then no need to provide any files. If you aren’t encountering the issues then would it be possible for you to provide a minimal recommended httpd.conf and maybe php.ini so that we can verify settings? It might be that we have something misconfigured.

    Thanks, Richard.

  • 15.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-14-2017 02:47

    Hi Tatyana,
    Here is the stuff.



    You have to adjust some things. At least server name and presumably the directory names.

    When I run exec1 I get:

    output[0]=hello world input one last line

    Hope this helps to track things down.

    Thanks a lot for your support.

    – Manfred

  • 16.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-14-2017 07:35


    Yes, we reproduced this issue. And setup _BPXK_AUTOCVT solved this problem.
    I looked at your config and found several differences. From README.ZOS:

    Recommended settings for IBM HTTP Server are:

    CharsetSourceEnc ISO8859-1
    CharsetDefault ISO8859-1

    These environment variables can be set in Apache configuration file, e.g.


    Could you try to check using exactly these settings (of course, including SetEnv _BPXK_AUTOCVT ON), please?

  • 17.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-14-2017 07:42

    Hm, I did as suggested, i.e. httpd.conf contains now:

    CharsetSourceEnc ISO8859-1 
    CharsetDefault ISO8859-1 

    When running exec1 I get:

    ����ʀa�?�����$�)hello world input one last line �ʀa�?�����$�)�ʀa�?�����$)�ʀa�?�����$�)��%%?��?�%���>��Ȁ?>��%/�Ȁ%�>���ʀa�?�����$�)�ʀa�?�����$)

    which looks bad.

    Anything, I missed or mixed up?

  • 18.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-14-2017 07:59



  • 19.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-14-2017 08:31

    I added it into envvars, no change at all. Then I addded it even into the httpd.conf . Also no change.

    Does the setting work differently for you?

  • 20.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-18-2017 03:48

    I’m not sure if it’s related to this particular issue but I’ve also found that file uploads don’t appear to work in PHP 7. This can be observed by adding enctype=“multipart/form-data” to my POST example above along with an input field of type=“file”. Adding a vardump($_FILES) returns an empty array as does vardump($_POST) so not even ASCII characters are getting back to the PHP script. This same scenario works correctly with Rocket PHP 5.4.4 so it seems something in PHP 7 is flushing the multipart payload.

    None of these specific issues were encountered in Rocket PHP 5.4.4.

  • 21.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-21-2017 03:51


    We think there is a problem in your environment, because now we are not able to reproduce this issue. I added short config, which we use in our work. Could you try to use it?

    config.tar (10 KB)

  • 22.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-25-2017 05:04

    Hi Tatyana,
    I tried out the httpd.conf (which is http 8.5 based) you provided. I created an http 8.5 based test server for this.

    As we use a directory cgi-bin I added

    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/u/testhttp/server/cgi-bin/"

    For PHP I added
    SetEnv PHPRC /u/testhttp/server/conf

    To be able to start and stop the server using MVS commands, I added:

    LoadModule zos_cmds_module modules/

    Then I tried a shell script, a REXX script and a simple PHP script. In all cases I get EBCDIC output in Firefox.

    When trying out Richard’s exec1 I get

    output[0]=hello world input one last line

    Trying Richard’s testpost I also get EBCDIC garbage in Firefox.

    Hm, being confused now as you said your httpd.conf did work.

    – Manfred

  • 23.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-25-2017 07:16


    One more detail. PHPRC should refer to php.ini file. This setting should be set in php.ini:


  • 24.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-25-2017 08:42

    That setting is in our php.ini.

    I am pretty sure that if PHPRC points to a directory it is assumed there is a php.ini in that directory.

  • 25.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-25-2017 09:09

    Yes, you are right.
    Which version of http server and z/OS do you use?

  • 26.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-25-2017 09:11

    z/os 2.1, and in this case I used http 8.5 as your httpd.conf was built for 8.5

  • 27.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-19-2017 05:18


    I managed to run PHP 7 in “CGI” mode, but I have an error in “FastCGI” mode that I can not solve:

    [error] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (115 bytes) received from server “/local/basepro/m4stats/php/php.fcgi”, referer: http://tmvs:8080/

    In Apache conf file I have :

    CharsetSourceEnc IBM-1047
    CharsetDefault ISO8859-1
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

    In the shell that runs the PHP script I have (both for CGI mode and FastCGI mode) :

    export _BPXK_AUTOCVT=ON

    PHP scripts and php.ini are IBM-1047 encoded.



  • 28.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-19-2017 12:01

    Hi Denis,

    Could you provide detailed description, I mean step by step?
    Also could you create separated topic for your issue?


  • 29.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-21-2017 03:55

    Thanks Tatyana, I’ll have a look and implement any differences.

    When you say “we are not able to reproduce” do you mean that…

    1. Calling an external REXX via exec() from a PHP 7 CGI returns displayable characters in the output array?
    2. Posting values back to a PHP 7 CGI results in the $_POST superglobal being populated correctly?
    3. File uploads using PHP 7 result in the file being uploaded correctly and both the $_POST and $_FILES superglobals are correctly populated?

  • 30.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 09-26-2017 06:36

    Hi Richard,

    I meant all these scenarios works correctly in our system.

  • 31.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 11-07-2018 09:20

    Is there any news on this problem? I also have POST values not returned in the correct codepage.

  • 32.  RE: PHP 7 character set issues

    Posted 11-19-2018 08:03

    We have to prioritize our support for paying customers. Unfortunately, PHP is not in our schedule for 2018 and half of 2019.