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Using git for z/OS with GitHub

Jerry Callen

Jerry Callen06-14-2017 10:14

  • 1.  Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 06-12-2017 11:33

    In this post I will walk through the steps necessary to clone a repository from GitHub using Rocket’s port of git for z/OS.

    Much of the content in this post is contained in the release notes for git for z/OS.

    In a nutshell

    These instructions will suffice for readers already familiar with git, ssh, GitHub, and Unix System Services on z/OS.

    1. Install git for z/OS, including its dependencies (bash and perl).
    2. Set up your environment on z/OS for git, as per the git release notes.
    3. Create an account on GitHub (if you don’t already have one).
    4. Generate an ssh key pair on z/OS.
    5. Add the public key to your account on on GitHub.
    6. Clone the repository using the ssh access method for git. A suggested starter repo is ;this repo contains an example of a .gitattributes file that arranges for text files to be encoded and tagged as EBCDIC.

    A more detailed account

    What, that wasn’t enough? :slight_smile: OK, here’s a more detailed description.

    Install git for z/OS, including its dependencies (bash and perl).

    Download the latest version of git for z/OS from the Rocket Open Source download page. You will also need the latest versions of bash and perl. If you don’t already have gzip on z/OS, you will need that, too.

    Typically people download the software to a Windows PC and then transfer it to z/OS for installation. Be sure that the transfer is a binary transfer; FTP is a good choice. Note that some transfer methods (notably scp) will unconditionally convert an incoming (to z/OS) file from ASCII to EBCDIC, rendering the file unusable.

    Once the files have been downloaded, install them into “an appropriate install location.” If you are just testing the software and don’t have the necessary permissions to install it in a location such as /usr/local, you can just install them into a directory in your home directory.

    For more information on unpacking files for installation, see this post on the Rocket Community Forum.

    Update: See this forum posting for more detailed installation instructions.

    Set up your environment on z/OS for git, as per the release notes.

    The git release notes contain detailed information on the necessary environment variables to set for using git.

    That said - this script can be put into a file and sourced as needed, or invoked from your .bash_profile at login. Change the value for GIT_ROOT to point to the directory in which you installed git and its prerequisites.

    # setup script for bash
    # NOTE: this can either be added to your .bash_profile OR
    #       sourced when needed:
    #         . <this file name>
    export GIT_SHELL=$GIT_ROOT/bin/bash
    export GIT_EXEC_PATH=$GIT_ROOT/libexec/git-core
    export GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR=$GIT_ROOT/share/git-core/templates
    export PATH=$GIT_ROOT/bin:$PATH
    export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:$GIT_ROOT/lib/perl5
    # These enable enhanced ASCII support
    export _BPXK_AUTOCVT=ON
    export _TAG_REDIR_ERR=txt
    export _TAG_REDIR_IN=txt
    export _TAG_REDIR_OUT=txt
    # optional (do once): set git editor to create comments on encoding ISO8859-1
    # git config --global core.editor "/bin/vi -W filecodeset=ISO8859-1"

    Create an account on GitHub (if you don’t already have one).

    Go to GitHub and follow the instructions there for creating an account. This is necessary because the only git access protocol currently supported by git for z/OS is the ssh protocol; the “git” and “http” protocols are not supported.

    Generate an ssh key pair on z/OS.

    See the instructions on GitHub for generating an ssh key pair more detail. There are a few things not mentioned there that are important:

    You need to first create a .ssh directory in your home directory, and make sure that the path to that directory is not writable by anyone but you. Here are a typical set of commands to do this. Do NOT type the comments at the end of each command line.

    $ cd ~           # cd to your home directory
    $ chmod 755 .    # allow others to read and traverse your home directory,
                     # but not write into it. If you don't want ANYONE to be
                     # able to read your home directory, change to 700.
    $ mkdir .ssh     # create the .ssh directory
    $ chmod 755      # allow others to read this directory but not write into it.

    Now you can create an ssh key pair. A description of public key encryption is beyond the scope of this article, but the important concept is that a key pair consists of a public key and a private key. You share the public key with other servers you wish to access, and keep the private key carefully protected on your own system. ssh will use them both to establish a secure communication channel between the local system and the remote (and untrusted) server.

    You can generate an appropriate key pair with this command:

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -C "" -P ""
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Your identification has been saved in /u/yourid/.ssh/id_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /u/yourid/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:

    This will create a public key pair and store both pieces in your .ssh directory.

    Add the public key to your account on on GitHub.

    Follow the instructions on GitHub for adding a new SSH keypair to your account. You will be copying the contents of the newly created public key to GitHub.

    Clone the repository using the ssh access method for git.

    Go to the repository on GitHub that you wish to clone and click on the green “Clone or download” button towards the right side of the page. A suggested starter repository is; this repo contains an example of a .gitattributes file that arranges for text files to be encoded and tagged as EBCDIC. Make sure you chose the SSH URL. Copy the URL and then insert it into this command on z/OS:

    $ git clone <URL from GitHub>

    This will clone the repository on your local z/OS machine.

    What’s next?

    Once you have successfully cloned a repository you can begin working with its files using git.

    An important issue when using source from git is handling the ASCII/EBCDIC encoding issue. There are detailed instructions on this in the git release notes, but to summarize, you will need to create a .gitattributes file that identifies how to encode the files in the working directory. Some files must be encoded using ASCII, most notably the .gitattributes and .gitignore files. A good starting point for a .gitattributes file is:

    # encode all files as EBCDIC unless mentioned elsewhere
    *       git-encoding=iso8859-1 working-tree-encoding=ibm-1047
    # encode selected files as ASCII
    .gitattributes   git-encoding=iso8859-1 working-tree-encoding=iso8859-1
    .gitignore       git-encoding=iso8859-1 working-tree-encoding=iso8859-1

    You will need to become familiar with the features of IBM’s enhanced ASCII support, including file tagging and automatic conversion.

  • 2.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 06-14-2017 10:14

    Why is perl a prereq for git?

  • 3.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 06-14-2017 10:46

    Because git ships with many perl scripts (many are in contrib, but a few are part of the core of git). You can probably use git without perl, but some things will not work.

  • 4.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 06-20-2017 10:10

    I have follow the steps & success install the git, thanks so much!
    I have a doubt Is it possible to manage z/OS datasets ( PDS, PS) via git? we have test git clone from github, but can’t find way to access datasets, nor move them to remote repository. I also read your the other topic, still didn’t find anything relate to z/OS datasets.
    Would you please advise?

  • 5.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 06-20-2017 14:57

    The “cp” command can do everything you need, but you will need to read the manual carefully, because there are a lot of different options. Also, if any of your datasets have recfm=v, you may want to consider setting the environment variable _EDC_ZERO_RECLEN. Again, you will need to read the manual, and consider whether you want to use Y or N.

  • 6.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 06-20-2017 22:46

    thanks, I will start from “cp” with the manual.

  • 7.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 06-27-2017 09:51

    I tried utility OPUTX/OGETX to transfer between datasets and zFS files, most of time i’m a zos guy and mainly works on it. it works quite good, but just some times the OPUTX will ignore some file without any notice, second run can copy the rest of the datasets. Now we can use it to pull/push large repo to github.
    This is really a great work, Thanks for your effort!

  • 8.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 06-20-2017 15:38

    For a few very simple examples, see the to_pds and from_pds scripts in this github repo:

  • 9.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 06-20-2017 22:46

    yes, it’s very helpful. thanks again.

  • 10.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 08-31-2017 03:41

    i installed github on my z/§OS and did the initial setup. i also tried the first steps with the sample hello_world repo successfully.
    However i’m having an issue when i issue git pull or git push commands, as described below:
    When i issue git push or git pull commands, i get

    git pull origin mybranch /usr/local/libexec/git-core/git-sh-setup: line 342: cd: ÅÑÈ: EDC5129I No such file or directory.
    line 342 in the script shows:
    BROWSE /Z22R01/usr/local/libexec/git-core/git-s Line 0000000342 Col
    .test -n "$GIT_DIR" && GIT_DIR=$(cd "$GIT_DIR" && pwd) || {
    ..echo >&2 "Unable to determine absolute path of git directory"

    is there any issue with $GIT_DIR ?

  • 11.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 08-31-2017 08:16

    Can you please run the following commands in the working directory of your git repository (in the case of the hello_world repo, the directory containing the source files) and provide the output?

    • pwd
    • uname -aI
    • env | sort
    • git rev-parse --git-dir

    GIT_DIR is not a variable you should set yourself; it is determined by the code in git-sh-setup and will be the path (either relative or absolute) of the .git directory in your working directory.

  • 12.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 08-31-2017 09:04

    Rocket issue USSP-850 created.

  • 13.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 08-31-2017 12:10

    SPARKID:/u/sparkid/hello_world/hello_world/hello_world: >pwd


    git rev-parse --git-dir
    uname -aI
    z/OS X9 02.00 02 2827

    SPARKID:/u/sparkid/hello_world/hello_world/hello_world: >env | sort
    A2E=-f ISO8859-1 -t IBM-1047
    ATOE=-f ISO8859-1 -t IBM-1047
    E2A=-f IBM-1047 -t ISO8859-1
    PS1=$LOGNAME:$PWD: >
    SSH_CLIENT= 60852 22
    SSH_CONNECTION= 60852 22
    _C89_INCDIRS=/usr/include /usr/include/sys /usr/lpp/ioclib/include /usr/include/netinet /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples
    _C89_LIBDIRS=/lib /usr/lib
    _CC_INCDIRS=/usr/include /usr/include/sys /usr/lpp/ioclib/include /usr/include/netinet /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples
    _CC_LIBDIRS=/lib /usr/lib
    _CXX_INCDIRS=/usr/include /usr/include/sys /usr/lpp/ioclib/include /usr/include/netinet /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples
    _CXX_LIBDIRS=/lib /usr/lib
    SPARKID:/u/sparkid/hello_world/hello_world/hello_world: >

    git remote
    git status
    On branch master
    Your branch is up-to-date with ‘origin/master’.
    Changes not staged for commit:
    (use “git add …” to update what will be committed)
    (use “git checkout – …” to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   hello.c

    Untracked files:
    (use “git add …” to include in what will be committed)

    no changes added to commit (use “git add” and/or “git commit -a”)


    git commit -m "update newfile on master"
    On branch master
    Your branch is up-to-date with ‘origin/master’.
    Changes not staged for commit:
    modified: hello.c

    Untracked files:

    no changes added to commit

    git push origin master
    Everything up-to-date
    git pull origin master
    /usr/local/libexec/git-core/git-sh-setup: line 342: cd: ÅÑÈ: EDC5129I No such file or directory.
    Unable to determine absolute path of git directory

  • 14.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 08-31-2017 15:34

    Can you please put this into a file (let’s call it in the working directory, source it (like this: ., and then provide the output?

    Then invoke bash again (just type bash -i) and source it again. Thanks.

     test_setting_gitdir () {
      GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir)
       if [[ $status == 0 ]] ; then
         echo "GIT_DIR is initially ${GIT_DIR}"
        if test -n "$GIT_DIR"; then
           GIT_DIR=$(cd "$GIT_DIR" && pwd)
           echo "GIT_DIR was changed to $GIT_DIR"
           echo "GIT_DIR was empty"
         echo "It looks like git rev-parse --git-dir failed"

  • 15.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 09-01-2017 04:16

    can’t reply on the forum; it keeps saying ‘new user can’t define 2 links in a post’…

  • 16.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 09-01-2017 04:18

    i replied with the output by mail

  • 17.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 09-01-2017 09:35

    The message from Philippe:

    set -x 
    test_setting_gitdir () { 
    GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir) 
    if [[ $status == 0 ]] ; then 
    echo "GIT_DIR is initially ${GIT_DIR}" 
    if test -n "$GIT_DIR"; then 
    GIT_DIR=$(cd "$GIT_DIR" && pwd) 
    echo "GIT_DIR was changed to $GIT_DIR" 
    echo "GIT_DIR was empty" 
    echo "It looks like git rev-parse --git-dir failed" 
    + .
    ++ set -x
    ++ test_setting_gitdir
    +++ git rev-parse --git-dir
    ++ GIT_DIR=$'\056\147\151\164\012'
    ++ status=0
    ++ [[ 0 == 0 ]]
    ++ echo 'GIT_DIR is initially ÅÑÈ'
    GIT_DIR is initially ÅÑÈ
    ++ test -n $'\056\147\151\164\012'
    +++ cd $'\056\147\151\164\012'
    bash: cd: ÅÑÈ: EDC5129I No such file or directory.
    ++ GIT_DIR=
    ++ echo 'GIT_DIR was changed to '
    GIT_DIR was changed to

    but if i enter git rev-parse --git-dir , then i get a good result back

    + git rev-parse --git-dir
    env | grep GIT
    + env
    + grep GIT
    SPARKID:/u/sparkid/hello_world/hello_world/hello_world: >env | grep CVT
    + env
    + grep CVT

    do we have any sort of translation problem ?

    I suspect that the version of bash may be the problem, as there have been some translation issues with some versions. Are you using the version specified in the release notes, and in this forum posting?

  • 18.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub

    Posted 09-01-2017 12:26

    thanks for the reply Jerry
    looks like i am using bash 4.2
    _ File 740 2015-03-26 07:51 SAMBA 3563520 bash
    Type Perm Changed-GMT-1 Owner ------Size Filename Row 1 of 10
    _ Dir 755 2015-03-26 07:55 SAMBA 8192 .
    _ Dir 777 2017-09-01 17:20 SAMBA 237568 …
    _ Dir 740 2014-11-25 09:17 SAMBA 24576 bash-4.2
    _ File 740 2015-06-29 08:53 SAMBA 3973120 bash-4.2.tar
    _ File 740 2015-06-29 08:43 SAMBA 24842240 bash-4.2-src.tar
    _ Dir 740 2013-11-12 16:51 SAMBA 8192 bin
    _ Dir 740 2013-11-12 16:51 SAMBA 8192 man
    _ File 640 2013-11-18 09:33 SAMBA 4459 LICENSE
    _ File 640 2013-07-03 10:04 SAMBA 70826 README
    _ File 640 2015-03-26 07:55 SAMBA 670 README.ZOS

    i will try to download the latest version, as instructed.
    sorry for not checking that myself ;-(

  • 19.  RE: Using git for z/OS with GitHub